
Sodom and Gomorrica Vol. XVII: Tropes and Clichés Are All That Remain

Daderot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Documenting the West’s descent into Satanic receivership. 

Trans activists resort to picking random words out of dictionary, declaring them transphobic

What set this beast off — I can’t tell if it’s transgender itself, so we’ll use the gender-neutral pronoun — was some fashion magazine describing Pamela Anderson and Dylan Mulvaney, respectively, as “ethereal.”

Enraged by a celebrity having been described as “ethereal,” it then googles “ethereal,” discovering the definition offered by Google to be: “extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.”

Hence, trying to connect the logic dots, to the extent there is any, because a fashion magazine described legacy woman Pamela Anderson as “ethereal,” the term is transphobic. And also, because it was applied to two white “women” — one legacy and one transgender — it’s also racist.

The excitement around Pamela Anderson not wearing makeup at a time where anti-trans legislation and transphobia is heightened, I need you to get that this is also signaling Pamela Anderson is a ‘real woman’… Look, she doesn’t even have to wear make-up…. And when she doesn’t, she’s ‘ethereal’ doing it…

Anti-blackness and transphobia are intrinsically linked… So whenever you see the presence of transphobia, anti-blackness is deeply embedded.

Folk punk icon blasphemes mightily at Bernie Sanders gathering

Folk punk legend of Against Me! fame Tom Gabel — who transed himself and now insists on being called “Laura Jane Grace” — made a special appearance at a communist rally to sing his wildly blasphemous tune about God having a giant d*ck and things of that nature:

What’s his favourite position?

Missionary? Magic bullet?

We all give him no lover

Just a hand and a mother

Can he c*m a shotgun blast

And shoot salvation up your a*s?

Does he chew c*nt like bubblegum

And give bl*wj*bs like a vacuum?

His appearance was predictably celebrated by the LGBTQ-aligned media as some kind of brave defiance of transphobia or whatever. 

Via The Pink News (emphasis added):

Trans punk rock star Laura Jane Grace made a surprise appearance at a Bernie Sanders rally recently, infuriating the usual anti-trans, right-wing brigade who were quick to take to social media to denounce her performance.

The musician and lead vocalist of the band Against Me! appeared at a Fighting Oligarchy rally led by the veteran politician, on Friday (7 March)…

Her set, which included a live rendition of Your God (God’s D**k), wasn’t met kindly by anti-trans right-wingers, who accused Sanders of aligning with Satan. Notoriously transphobic social media account, Libs of TikTok, which is run by Chaya Raichik, shared a clip of the rally, calling it “absolutely sickening.”

But it’s not brave; it’s not original; it’s not interesting.

My reaction isn’t the intended “infuriation”; it’s a big shoulder shrug and disinterest.

The “God is [insert offensive descriptor]” a tired cliché and a poor facsimile of punk at its best, which is actually challenging authority that deserves challenging — not servicing a biomedical industry and social engineers who prey on vulnerable young minds to turn them into lobotomized, confused eunuchs and make a killing doing it.

Related: Shock Survey: Almost One-Third of Gen Z Now Gender-Queer

Transgenderism is mainstream pop culture and has been for a decade now. Promoting it is not “sticking it to the man” or whatever.

Back when Against Me! made music worth listening to, the band released the track “Don’t Lose Touch” with the following lyrics:

You're coming off kinda contrived and pretentious.
 You're not saying anything we haven't heard before.
 You're caught up in an argument.
 Oh, oh you're so lost in modern art
 You will lose it all.
 And you will find again.
 Don't lose touch.
Don't lose touch.


How’s that for mind-bending irony?

Extremely large study: “Gender-affirming” surgery butchers mental health

The prevailing wisdom promulgated by corporate state media, mainstream academia, mainstream medical associations, the pharmaceutical industry, and Public Health™ agencies has been that, if transgenders are denied surgery, then they will suffer mental health damage, often to the extent they’ll kill themselves.

Many millions of bogus research dollars and corporate state media airtime were devoted to building and maintaining this myth.

But reality has a way, on a long enough timeline, of restoring balance to the universe.

The exact opposite, it turns out, is true.

And here’s just more proof on top of the mountain of proof that grows by the year.

Via The Journal of Sexual Medicine (emphasis added)

From 107 583 patients, matched cohorts demonstrated that those undergoing surgery were at significantly higher risk for depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and substance use disorders than those without surgery. Males with surgery showed a higher prevalence of depression (25.4% vs. 11.5%, RR 2.203, P < 0.0001) and anxiety (12.8% vs. 2.6%, RR 4.882, P < 0.0001). Females exhibited similar trends, with elevated depression (22.9% vs. 14.6%, RR 1.563, P < 0.0001) and anxiety (10.5% vs. 7.1%, RR 1.478, P < 0.0001). Feminizing individuals demonstrated particularly high risk for depression (RR 1.783, P = 0.0298) and substance use disorders (RR 1.284, P < 0.0001).


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