
Adventures in The Patriarchy™ Vol VII: (Wo)Men’s Day, Reimagined

Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP

Chronicling the ongoing intersectional struggle to liberate women — inclusively defined as the legacy kind and the transgenders — from The Patriarchy™, one microaggression at a time. 

I hope everyone had a splendid International Women’s Day. In case you missed it, the Social Justice™ people took the occasion to murder logic.

Transgender crashes Womxn’s Day festivities, denounces fellow men in virtue-signal flex

The true, deep irony is that this guy actually belongs to the very class of white men he so vociferously denounces — only now he has afforded himself the luxury of having transcended it with a click of his heels, growing a ponytail, and a few haphazard brush strokes of blush.


Try to make heads or tails of this doozy:

BIPOC women have to do it for white women, all women have to do it for men, and we are sick of it. It was women teaching me that there is no definition that anyone could define ‘what is a woman’ that excludes me that does not also exclude millions of cisgender women, women born without a uterus, women born with chromosomal incongruities, women with hormone imbalances, women with facial hair.

In summary, “no one knows what a woman is, and also I’m a woman and f**k you, transphobe, if you argue. Hear me roar!”

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It’s been clear for a few years now that the point of these rhetorical exercises isn’t actually to make a coherent argument that wins people over; it’s rather to exhaust and confuse the listener into submission.

Bud Light twink celebrates Women’s Day by selling book about personal transgender journey

Theater kid turned transgender icon Dylan Mulvaney was out there hawking his book about becoming a "girl" to mostly liberal white ladies in commemoration of Women’s Day.

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Intersectional feminists give up trying to shoehorn transgenderism into definition of ‘woman’

The TL;DR is that this woman has simply given up trying to figure out what a “woman” is.

Trump may have finally broken their will to continue trying to square their fantastical nonsense with reality.

You can feel her exasperation through the screen.

She threw in the towel.

It’s over.

Via The Globe and Mail (emphasis added):

One of U.S. President Donald Trump’s first acts in office was to issue an executive order entitled, “Defending women from gender ideology extremism and restoring biological truth to the federal government.” This was followed up by another, “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports,” which he rather dramatically signed in front of a sea of grateful-looking women and girls.

Some saw this as a transphobic canary heading to the coal mine of fascism, while others lauded Mr. Trump as “a feminist president.” This is the same Donald Trump, recall, who entered the 2024 Republican National Convention to the James Brown song, It’s a Man’s, Man’s, Man’s World…

Wherever you personally fall on gender topics, Mr. Trump’s outreach to women in this manner ought to be called what it is: patronizing pandering…

At some point, the question of how to fight for women, especially in the U.S., switched to a contentious and ultimately distracting argument over how to define us, with both sides treating the answer as a zero-sum game that would leave some with rights and others without…

We also have all the usual concerns – cost of living, housing, health care, the environment; The above is by no means comprehensive, but intended to give a sense of how much there is to consider that has zilch to do with contentious questions of who is or is not a woman.

The most hardcore transgender activists will trudge on, certainly, but we may be seeing a sea-change in the zeitgeist at large.


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