Ousted Director Francis Collins Demands Americans Pay ‘Utmost Respect’ to NIH

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Dr. Francis Collins — best known, perhaps, for his cringe children’s sing-along propaganda ditties designed to induce maximum compliance with the COVID lockdown/masking/vax agenda — has abruptly retired after being stripped of his directorship by new HHS boss RFK Jr.


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The ultra-creep — who, it might be noted, did not receive a pardon from Biden like Fauci did on his way out and is therefore still on the hook for all of his COVID criminality, plus whatever else he was up to at NIH — expressed no contrition for his role in arguably the greatest criminal conspiracy in world history.

On the contrary, he offered nothing but effusive praise for the Public Health™ bureaucracy in his resignation letter.   

Via Francis Collins' resignation letter (emphasis added):

Yesterday I notified NIH Acting Director Matt Memoli, MD of my retirement from the federal government, effective February 28, 2025. The National Institutes of Health is the world’s foremost medical research institution. It has been rightfully called the “crown jewel” of the federal government for decades.  It has been the greatest honor of my life to be part of this institution in various roles over the last four decades.   In the 1980s, NIH supported my work at the University of Michigan through a peer-reviewed grant.  That led to the identification of the gene for cystic fibrosis.  Thirty years later that has led to an almost miraculous treatment that allows most kids with cystic fibrosis to look forward to an almost normal life span.


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Here he is demanding, with extraordinary hubris, that Americans pay the “utmost respect and support” to the NIH for all of its benevolence.


NIH is the largest supporter of biomedical research in the world. It is the main piston of a biomedical discovery engine that is the envy of the globe. Yet it is not a household name.  It should be.  NIH supports everything from basic science to clinical trials, providing the foundation of many breakthroughs.  When you hear about patients surviving stage 4 cancer because of immunotherapy, that was based on NIH research over many decades.  When you hear about sickle cell disease being cured because of CRISPR gene editing, that was built on many years of research supported by NIH. It has also been the largest supporter of global health research in the world, winning us many friends and colleagues from across the globe.  I have loved being employed by this extraordinary, life-giving institution for 32 years. I will continue to devote my life in other ways to seeking knowledge and enhancing health, to healing disease and reducing suffering, and to doing what I can to bring together our fractured communities around the shared values of love, truth, goodness, and faith.  As I depart NIH, I want to express my gratitude and love for the men and women with whom I have worked side-by-side for so many years. They are individuals of extraordinary intellect and integrity, selfless and hard-working, generous and compassionate. They personify excellence in every way, and they deserve the utmost respect and support of all Americans.


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