
UNREAL: Alleged Family Court Overreach Results in Health Disaster

AP Photo/Brennan Linsley, File

Horror stories from family court regularly emerge of judges instituting arbitrary and often draconian conditions on parents (particularly fathers) using their ultimate authority over custody decisions as leverage.

This is nothing new and has been well-documented, but this latest account out of a Tennessee family court regarding what appears to amount to forced child vaccination resulting in lifelong injuries truly takes the cake.

Related: Study: COVID-Vaxxed Kids SIX TIMES Likelier to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers

Via Children's Health Defense (emphasis added):

In 2016, David Ihben moved his wife and three children from Chicago to Jamestown, in rural Tennessee, with high hopes for a new and calmer life.

But the dream turned into a nightmare for David and his children in December 2019, when divorce proceedings and a subsequent custody battle resulted in the forced vaccination of the children — and changed the family’s fortunes forever.

Ihben said his ex-wife decided “this wasn’t the life she wanted.” So they were attempting to develop a parenting plan in family court — when Tennessee judge Todd Burnett “pulled up the vaccine issue” after discovering the couple’s children were unvaccinated — and forced the parents to vaccinate their children.

Ihben’s two oldest children — daughter Hannah and son Joseph — were spared significant adverse events following their vaccination.

But his youngest son, Isaac, wasn’t so fortunate. After receiving 18 vaccines in one day, Isaac developed severe regressive autism. Today, he requires around-the-clock care.

The children’s mother soon abandoned the children, leaving Ihben to raise them as a single parent — even though he is still obliged to pay child support.

According to the account, which has reportedly been vetted and confirmed via documentation, the judge in the case made public his opinion that not parents who refuse vaccination of their children commit “child abuse” and offered custody rights on the spot to whichever of them would agree to get their kids shot up.


Ihben told The Defender his entire family was unvaccinated. “I’ve never had any. My dad was drafted by the Army in 1961, and he didn’t get any either. We’ve never vaccinated,” he said. “Our children had to sign religious exemptions for school.”

During divorce proceedings though, his wife’s attorney used the vaccination issue to drive a wedge between the parents.

“When we went to court, I guess her attorney knew that [Burnett] was a pro-vaccine judge and that’s something that they could get me on,” Ihben said.

According to Ihben, Burnett told the couple that it was his “personal opinion that not vaccinating your children is child abuse.” He then told the couple that whichever parent would be willing to vaccinate the children that same day would leave the courthouse with custody.

“I said, ‘Your Honor, we have rights. It’s between the mom and their father,’” Ihben recalled. “Her attorney whispered to her, and she goes, ‘I’ll take them down and vaccinate them today.’

Related: Israel: ‘Vaccine Poster Child’ Used for mRNA Propaganda Dies From Cardiac Arrest

Twelve days in the ICU later, immediately following the round of 18 injections in one day, Isaac now has severe regressive autism and wears a diaper.


Later that day, the children received their childhood vaccines — and Isaac immediately became sick.

“My daughter had previous allergies … so the doctor refused to give her all in one day. They split those … She didn’t have any side effects from what I can see,” Ihben said. “[Joseph] was in the ICU for a couple of days but seems to be okay. But [Isaac] spent 12 days in the ICU, eight days with a 106-degree fever.”

Isaac, who was 5 years old at the time, was “just a normal happy kid,” Ihben said.

Today, Isaac has severe regressive autism.

Another biomedical success story, furnished by the loving and liberal authorities.


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