
‘White Fragility’ Author Robin DiAngelo Responds to ‘Am I Racist?’

I have yet to see Matt Walsh’s “Am I Racist?” mockumentary, in which he adopts the appearance and mannerisms of a curious and well-intentioned aspirational White Savior getting down with Social Justice™ and, in that pursuit, traipses about credulously interviewing professional race hustlers like Robin DiAngelo and often humiliating them without their knowledge — because they are parodies of themselves who don’t understand how ridiculous their ideology, and the careers they have hustled out of it, are on their face.  

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Via (emphasis added):

Back in 2023, I was contacted by a group who claimed to be making a documentary film called Shades of Justice, about efforts to address racism in the United States. They planned to interview anti-racist activists, authors and thought leaders in service of supporting the cause of racial equity. They offered me between $10-20,000 for an interview. I said let’s meet in the middle with $15,000 and agreed to participate (I have since donated that sum to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund).

This is reportedly a running theme throughout the film: flashing the payments made to the various hucksters before the interviews to illustrate the galling graft at play.

So this non-aggrieved minority lady gladly took $15,000 to speak on behalf of aggrieved minorities — but only after her largesse was exposed did she consider donating it to the NAACP.

Profiles in integrity.

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The interview, according to DiAngelo, “got weird.”


Matt asked what I thought about reparations for Black Americans. I said that I agreed with reparations but that it was not my area of expertise. He then pulled up a chair and invited a Black crew-member who went by “Ben” to sit with us, took out his wallet and handed Ben some cash. He said that if I believed in reparations, I should also give Ben cash. While some Black people have asked white people to engage in reparations by giving directly to individuals, reparations are generally understood as a systemic approach to past and current injustice. The way Matt set this up felt intended to put Ben and I on the spot. Because Matt was pushing this on us, I expressed my discomfort and checked in with Ben, to be sure he was okay with receiving cash in this way. Ben reassured me that he was, so I went to my wallet and handed him my cash and the interview ended…

I realized that they had lied about their agenda and I had been played. I spread the word on my networks. Unfortunately, last month I started receiving hateful and misogynistic emails. Some referenced the Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro’s website), which announced that the film is indeed being released. It is not titled Shades of Justice nor is it meant to support the anti-racist cause. It is a Borat-style mockumentary titled Am I Racist? and designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists.

Their deception was carefully planned and well-funded. The website they had sent me was fake, as were their identities, the project title used in the legal waiver, their description of the project, and the last name they gave for Matt. The interviewer was in fact, Matt Walsh, a far-right provocateur backed by Shapiro and Daily Wire+ (and yes, wearing a wig).

These people are so in their bubble that they can’t even grasp when they are being obviously trolled by being presented with a black actor demanding cash on the spot for “reparations” — the obliviousness and shamelessness which is, what I imagine, not having seen it yet, what makes the film so captivating.  


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