
The Social Justice™ Snake Eats Its Own SPLC Tail

Southern Poverty Law Center

The most intensely satisfying outcome of the #MeToo mini-Cultural Revolution of last decade was seeing the screws turned on the very same culture-makers who created the monster in the first place.

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One has to assume these people have never read, or at least not absorbed the central lesson of, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein.” A tragedy perhaps for them, but a boon to society as a whole.

You really love to see this kind of stuff.

I like to think of it as civilizational autophagy — a social self-cleaning of the gunk.

Via National Cancer Institute (emphasis added):

A process by which a cell breaks down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances in its cytoplasm (the fluid inside a cell). The breakdown products are then recycled for important cell functions, especially during periods of stress or starvation. Autophagy also helps destroy bacteria and viruses that cause infection and may prevent normal cells from becoming cancer cells. Once cancer has formed, autophagy may protect the cancer cells by providing extra nutrients to them or by keeping anticancer drugs or other substances from destroying them. Autophagy may also affect the body’s immune response against viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells.

Hard-working Southern Poverty Law Center unionists, slaving their days away for Social Justice™, are none too pleased with their only mildly diverse leader who has been on a likely well-deserved firing spree of late and is apparently not overly enthused about the group’s labor union.

Via The Post Millennial (emphasis added):

Workers at the leftist activist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) gave their CEO a vote of non-confidence after Margaret Huang* started to lay off staff last June. The staff have equated this with the union busting tactics they usually associate with conservatives.

The SPLC union announced a 92 percent vote of non-confidence in Huang, The Guardian reported. With that response in hand, the union is now calling for Huang to resign or to be removed and replaced with a new CEO – and to reverse the layoffs that have cut staff levels by 25 percent. The union is also appealing directly to the public with a petition to encourage people to support its demands.

Lisa Wright, the chairwoman of the union’s bargaining committee, worked for the SPLC for 23 years before being laid-off. “Shock, horror, confusion. It’s been sloppy, dispassionate, inhumane. It has been the absolute opposite of what the organization says they stand for and absolute chaos since then,” Wright told The Guardian.

* It’s always a red flag when you see a leader of one of these outfits with the surname “Huang.” Mutiny lies ahead in all circumstances. Yes, Asians are technically not white and so they’re marginally ahead on the oppression hierarchy. Also, admittedly, Margaret is — forgive me for assuming gender — a biological woman.

But these identity points are painfully vanilla and surely not going to get her far in intersectional feminist circles; to appease their fans, they’re going to probably have to replace her with an indigenous pansexual little person or something. The stakes are forever being upped, and Asian women with uteruses don’t cut the mustard anymore.

One might be forgiven for assuming what is basically a communist agitator, the SPLC, would be enthusiastic about welcoming a labor union among its employees. It turns out, though, per SPLC, labor unions are racist, harming “women of color” with all of that representation.  

Via Nonprofit Quarterly, 2019 (emphasis added):

As anticipated in NPQ’s article this week covering the announcement by staff at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that they want to unionize, management at SPLC stated in a memo to staff that they would not voluntarily recognize the union.

Reportedly, management instead voted to allow a union election to go forward, saying, “There are employees at SPLC, mostly women of color and lower-wage workers who are often left out or often ‘spoken for’ instead of engaged and given a space for their own agency. We want current and future employees to know and feel that their voices matter and their needs are met.”


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