
The Latest Social Justice™ -Ism Is the Wildest Yet

AP Photo/Sakchai Lalit

Every couple of months or so, a new Social Justice™ term intended to marginalize whites/men/heterosexuals/Christians and/or legitimize deviancy in some form breaks into the zeitgeist, each one more outrageous than the last.

So here we have a brand-new whopper.

Hold onto your hats.

(It’s actually been around for a while, apparently, but apparently these things take a while to catch on.)

Via Self (emphasis added):

Healthism was coined by Robert Crawford in a 1980 paper for the International Journal of Health Services. In the 1970s the U.S. had seen a wave of renewed interest in holistic health and wellness, and Crawford was wary of how that investment in health was curdling into a perceived responsibility to seem healthy to others. He defined healthism as “the preoccupation with personal health as a primary—often the primary—focus for the definition and achievement of well-being; a goal which is to be attained primarily through the modification of life styles.” That is, for Crawford, healthism flattened the health of whole populations from a dynamic and multifaceted issue with many and varied influences, to a simple matter of personal responsibility. Crawford saw health as inherently political, a reflection of systems that create and perpetuate poverty, racism, misogyny*, and more. But under healthism, health was an individual matter, not a systemic one, which meant that the individual was primarily responsible for their own health. “For the healthiest, solution rests within the individual’s determination to resist culture, advertising, institutional and environmental constraints, disease agents, or, simply, lazy or poor personal habits.”

*Heaven forbid anyone take personal responsibility for their own health! The horror; the racism; the misogyny! The healthism!

RelatedDiverse Fat Activist Gets Paid to Lie to Children About Nutrition for Corporate Profit

A study from about a decade ago — a highly scientific one, as all social science studies are, clearly without any pre-conceived objective in mind — discovered that fat-shaming is actually worse than racism in terms of the long-term psychological damage it instills.

Via Daily Mail (emphasis added):

Known as ‘fat shaming’ it is easy to see how having an opinion on someone's physical appearance can have immediate effects but alongside emotional hurt and a sense of being ostracised, it seems this kind of discrimination may cause serious long term damage.

It has a more profound negative impact on both physical and psychological health than prejudice against more fixed characteristics such as gender and race.

Though obviously hugely harmful, sexism and racism were found to be largely unrelated to declines in physical and emotional health in the study, which investigated 6,000 adults.

Fat activists have been hard at work for a number of years now trying to make “weight discrimination” a thing. Columns such as these may be illegal in due time if the Democrats stay in power, in this, Our Sacred Democracy™, so lap them up while you can, bigot.

Via NYC Human Rights (emphasis added):

The NYC Human Rights Law protects individuals that live in, work in, or visit New York City from discrimination based on their height or weight or the combination of height and weight, referred to as “body size.” 

The Human Rights Law prohibits unlawful discrimination based on height or weight in employment, housing, and public accommodations (e.g., hospitals, gyms, restaurants, or theaters).

  • Entities that are covered by the NYCHRL include employers with four or more employees or one or more domestic worker, housing providers, and public accommodations (“covered entities”). 
  • Covered entities may have obligations in different parts of the Law. For example, a department store is a public accommodation as it relates to patrons, and an employer as it relates to job applicants and employees.


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