
Where Have All the Good Doctors Gone?

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The governing authorities in Public Health™ (unelected) have multiple tools in their toolbox to enforce their draconian pseudoscientific edicts, not the least of which is the ability to strip non-compliant medical practitioners of their professional certifications as retribution for… well, practicing medicine.

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Via Washington Post (emphasis added):

The American Board of Internal Medicine revoked the certifications of Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, two physicians known for continuing to promote ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medication, as a treatment for covid long after the medical community found it to be ineffective.

The two men co-founded the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care [FLCCC] Alliance, which experts say spread misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic

The Board’s website listed both men’s certifications as “revoked” within the past week. That effectively prevents them from practicing at large hospitals and academic institutions…

A Washington Post investigation found that physicians who spread misinformation faced few repercussions, as a weak system of medical boards failed to penalize them. My colleagues Lena H. Sun, Hayden Godfrey and I found that medical board disciplinary records showed two other doctors alleged to be following the Alliance’s guidance (not Kory or Marik) were accused of substandard medical care after three patients died.

The FLCCC Alliance issued a press release following the targeting of two of their doctors, arguing that the issue at hand is one of the larger institutional rot in the medical system and the right of doctors to treat patients as they see fit.

"This fight is about more than just our right to speak—it's about protecting the future of healthcare. When doctors are silenced for questioning the prevailing narrative, we all lose,” said Dr. Pierre Kory. “We must ensure that medical decisions are guided by expertise and evidence, not by fear of reprisal. Our commitment is to every physician’s freedom to practice medicine based on what they know is right." 

“True progress in medicine depends on the free exchange of ideas and the courage to challenge established norms,” said Dr. Paul Marik. “Without open scientific debate, we risk losing the opportunity to discover better treatments, such as proven repurposed drugs for new viruses, and to provide the best patient care and save lives. It's essential that we continue to discuss and debate all perspectives if we are to uphold the integrity of our profession.” 

This is not just about the certifications of Drs. Marik and Kory—this is a broader fight for the future of healthcare, where physicians can practice medicine based on science and conscience, without undue interference or fear of retribution. The decision by the ABIM is not only an attack on the professional integrity of these doctors but also a direct threat to the freedom of medical practitioners around the world.

The pressure on doctors — especially ones working for large hospitals in bed with the purveyors of conventional wisdom — to conform to established protocols dictated from on high is immense, so I give any that are willing to treat patients with patients’ health in mind first and foremost immense credit.

This is by no means an isolated incident. Doctors across the country have either been fired or had their medical licenses revoked for daring to question orthodoxy. I’ve tried in vain to find a quantitative analysis of this phenomenon, but hopefully, we can bring you those stats someday when they are compiled.

What will the next pandemic look like now that many, if not most, if not nearly all of the honest doctors have been purged from the system? We may find out sooner rather than later.


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