Report: Biden Handlers Trail NYT Reporter, Prevent Interviews With Concerned Voters

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

In this, Our Sacred Democracy™, the proper handling of the “independent” news media by the state, clearly, is to follow reporters around at campaign events and demand that they abruptly end interviews with actual voters who might paint the Brandon entity in a poor light.


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Via The Daily Caller (emphasis added):

Reporters claimed Friday that President Joe Biden’s campaign staffers tried to halt their interviews with voters once they started to turn critical of the president following a rough debate showing…

In the aftermath of the first presidential debate, several reporters claimed that while at campaign events with voters on Friday, Biden campaign staffers tried to cut off the conversation as they moved in a negative direction.

As I spoke to voters at a Las Vegas rally for Vice President Harris, a Nevada Biden campaign staffer followed me and twice asked that voters end their interviews when their comments turned critical of President Biden,” Simon Levien, a New York Times reporter, wrote.

“You can’t tell me that there’s not anyone better —” a voter told Levien, expressing the desire for a different Democratic presidential candidate.

“We’re at a Joe Biden event, so I’m going to cut you off there, sorry,” a Biden staffer told Levien, cutting the interview off. [Emphasis added]

Now, let’s not celebrate this brave New York Times reporter for his heroic stand for freedom of the press just yet; the Biden regime has been manipulating press access and cordoning off the alleged president — who has given by far the fewest press conferences in modern history — for years now.


What is telling is that now, all of a sudden, a New York Times reporter feels comfortable talking about how the regime interferes in the free exercise of journalistic inquiry, which would seem to me to indicate the knives are coming out for the Brandon construct and its handlers now that they have dug in and are apparently refusing to step down from their perches in order to save Democracy™ from the bad orange man.

Editor’s note: Not being Johnny-come-latelies like the New York Times, we will always tell the truth from the start, whether about Biden’s mental health status or any other crucial issue. 

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