
Bird Flu Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner?

AP Photo/Mark D. Carlson, File

Since bird flu terror season is in full swing — conveniently timed, by pure happenstance, right before the 2024 election as the anointed Democrat candidate melts down Wizard-of-Oz-style right before our very eyes — the FDA has announced it’s going to be inspecting various dairy products in grocery stores for any traces of bird flu it might scare up with a PCR swab.

Related: Is Congressional Action to Stop Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Research Underway?

Via Telegraph (emphasis added):

US authorities have begun a new round of testing to check for traces of the H5N1 bird flu virus in supermarket products including ice cream, butter, and cream cheese.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to survey 155 products sold in stores across America to check for the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus, which continues to spread through the country’s dairy cattle herds.

The virus has so far spread to 131 cattle herds in 12 US states, and has infected at least three dairy workers since it was first detected in March this year. 

Mice, cats, possums and other farm yard mammals have also been infected.

Samples will be collected from products sold in stores – likely from large chains like Walmart, Trader Joe’s, and Krogers – across the country, including from states where the FDA have not yet conducted surveillance, the agency said.

We’re admittedly entering speculative territory here, but I imagine that one of the mechanisms by which the corporate state keeps corporations like Kroger and Walmart in line — and signed on, for example, to suicidal DEI nonsense — is through the explicit or implied threat of a positive PCR test magically popping up in one of their stores while their well-behaved rivals’ are spared in such an event as bird flu testing.

We know that PCR tests can be manipulated by driving up the cycle count. Why shouldn’t we speculate that they are selectively and strategically manipulated? Have not the Public Health™ authorities earned that degree of skepticism?

RelatedIn Light of Bird Flu Terror, Let’s Revisit the PCR Scam

If that’s true, the equally interesting question is how the threat is made: does it need to be said aloud or written down, or do the parties all understand how the filthy game is played as a matter of business as usual?

You might recall that, during the COVID-19 terror season, a practice run for things to come, Walmart and similar mega-corporations with close ties to the governing structure proper (Hillary Clinton serving on the board of directors, for example) — who eagerly make “campaign donations” (otherwise known in common parlance as “bribes”) to relevant decision-makers — were permitted to continue running their operations unabated while their rivals were shut down.

… As if SARS-CoV-2 spreads via aerosol in your local corner store but behaves itself in CVS or Target, sparing the workers and customers its wrath.

Because… something, something… Public Health™… something, something… free market.

Free market! In the United States of America! Land of the Free!

That’s a good one!

It appears the difference between an “essential” and a “nonessential” business, as the terminology went during COVID, might have been the degree of political connectivity of that business to the power structure — just as we may assume now that, perhaps, the difference between a bird flu positive popping up at Kroger vs. your local mom-and-pop (to the extent those haven’t already been driven out of business) might be how many Democrats they have serving on their boards.


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