
An Unexpected Email: ‘Death to Fido’

Michelle Linendoll via AP

I have no idea how I get on these mailing lists. I get nonstop emails from Nancy Pelosi, Wicked Witch of the West, hitting me up for cash to stop fascism and save Democracy™ or whatever, which I haven’t blocked for the entertainment value. Nigerian princes want me to help rescue their fortunes for a generous reward.

And now this:

Hi Ben,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to share a compelling new study published by Daily Dog Stuff that sheds light on the significant carbon footprint of pet ownership in the United States for 2024. The report reveals some eye-opening statistics about CO2 emissions from dogs and cats by state, and the broader environmental impact of our pets. Given your focus on climate change, I believe this information will resonate with you and your audience.

RelatedStudy: The Science™ Pins Climate Change™ on Human Breathing

The link took me here, via Daily Dog Stuff (emphasis added):

We live in an increasingly eco-conscious world where consumers make more environmentally friendly purchasing decisions than ever. But there's one area of modern life that many people in the United States fail to realize contributes to their overall carbon footprint: Pet ownership.

Estimates suggest that dogs and cats alone are responsible for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions related to animal agriculture. The impact is more significant than most realize, adding tens of millions of tons of greenhouse emissions every year.

While science is still divided about the true effect of owning cats and dogs on climate change, there's no denying that caring for an animal substantially increases one's carbon footprint in many ways…

Cats and dogs contribute to emissions in many ways, including manufacturing processes for every item they use. The biggest offender is a pet's diet.

Commercial dog and cat food is among the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Cats and dogs eat an estimated 20 percent of the world's meat and fish*. One study found that cats and dogs alone are responsible for 30 percent of the total environmental impact of meat consumption in the United States.

*How many borderline-retarded libbed-out cat ladies are going to read this and subsequently kill their cats with carrots and kale smoothies?

Many elaborate charts detailing pet carbon footprint by state follow in the above-linked article.

These people over at Daily Dog Stuff must get some kind of sponsorship cash funneled to them through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation the United Nations, or some such governmental or non-governmental organization. I hope they don’t print this nonsensical tripe for free.

But maybe they do and they’re just true believers. Maybe they push the anti-human depopulation agenda that is Climate Change™ of their own volition, unaware of what interests they are actually serving (not the environment’s).

Pets give people joy. They give people purpose in caring for another living thing. They give me a sense of security and protection in the case of many dogs. They give people a sense of companionship, even if it’s with a non-human animal. Perhaps this is why, above all, the technocrats wish to rob people of their dogs and cats.

If you pay close enough attention, you will notice that any activity or object that confers these aforementioned benefits of happiness and connection to humans is meant for destruction by the technocratic state — in the service of breaking our will to live.

Conspiracy theory?


But the conspiracy theorists have a flawless track record as of late, so if that’s what I am, I embrace it.


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