
Alex Jones' InfoWars Could Get the Death Penalty

AP Photo/John Minchillo, File

Twelve years after Alex Jones recklessly speculated based on flimsy evidence that Sandy Hook was a false flag event to confiscate guns, multiple lawsuits, and untold legal malfeasance later, InfoWars may finally be on the brink of liquidation.

          Related: WATCH: Alleged CIA Agent Brags About Persecuting Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson

Via Associated Press (emphasis added):

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is seeking court permission to convert his personal bankruptcy reorganization to a liquidation, which would lead to a sell-off of a large portion of his assets to help pay some of the $1.5 billion he owes relatives of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Jones and his media company, Free Speech Systems, both filed for bankruptcy reorganization after the Sandy Hook families won lawsuits against him for his repeatedly calling the 2012 shooting that killed 20 first graders and six educators in Newtown, Connecticut, a hoax on his Infowars programs.

But Jones and the Sandy Hook families have been unable to agree on how the resolve the cases, leading to Jones filing a motion Wednesday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Houston asking a judge to convert his personal case from a Chapter 11 reorganization to a Chapter 7 liquidation…

Christopher Mattei, a lawyer for the families, said in a statement that “Alex Jones has hurt so many people. The Connecticut families have fought for years to hold him responsible no matter the cost and at great personal peril. Their steadfast focus on meaningful accountability, and not just money*, is what has now brought him to the brink of justice in the way that matters most.”

The Sandy Hook families, meanwhile, are asking the same judge to convert Free Speech Systems’ case from a reorganization to a liquidation

Liquidation could mean that Jones would have to sell most of what he owns, including his company and its assets, but could keep his home and other personal belongings that are exempt from bankruptcy liquidation. Proceeds would go to his creditors, including the Sandy Hook families.

*This is one of many statements made by plaintiffs’ lawyers in Jones’ multiple trials that indicate the intent is to shut down the entire operation — even at the expense of cutting out the company’s ability to actually repay the families that absurd $1.5 billion judgment, the ostensible aim of these proceedings.

None of this, in my view, has anything to do with justice. This is informed speculation, but what I believe happened was that a consortium of lawyer vultures with deep ties to the Democrat Party and the administrative corporate state finally found a story they could supercharge to wage lawfare against an organization they had wanted to shut down for years.

Was Jones’ theory that Sandy Hook was staged unfounded? Yes. Was it incredibly poor judgment to make such claims on the radio? Absolutely.

But should an entire media operation get the death penalty, even when it’s complying with court orders to fork over cash to the Sandy Hook families as required by law, for reckless speculation, no matter how uncouth?

If that’s the new standard, we’re in for a world of lawfare aimed at dissident media.

None of this actually has anything to do with Alex Jones per se. Let’s not get bogged down in personalities. This is about what kind of precedent it sets that saying something happened differently from what the accepted consensus narrative is, no matter how heinous, is now grounds for targeted destruction.

Well-meaning people, many of whom I know and respect, are going to nod their heads in agreement at the liquidation — who could defend lying about kids in a school shooting dying? — while the precedent gets set to go after more mundane transgressions on the back of an extreme example. That’s how government power grabs always work.


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