
Kellogg’s CEO to Struggling Americans: Eat My Cereal For Dinner

Gene J. Puskar

With his lush accommodations in the background, with almost surely not a box of his employer’s corn syrup slop to be found within a mile radius, soon to be on his way to a five-star restaurant for some caviar and Tuscany red, the CEO of Kellogg’s had some choice advice for American consumers struggling with the high cost of food.

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Via The Independent (emphasis added):

Kellogg’s CEO Gary Pilnick has a tip for customers who can’t afford to feed their families: just eat cereal for dinner.

In a CNBC interview, Mr Pilnick spoke about the impact of the severe uptick in nationwide grocery prices and what the cereal company can do about it.

Since the pandemic, inflation has sent grocery prices soaring. According to US Department of Agriculture data, Americans spent 11.3 per cent of their disposable income on food in 2022, the highest rate in over 30 years.

To combat this, Kellogg’s is now promoting cereal as a dinner option for customers struggling to put food on the table, Mr Pilnick said.

“The cereal category has always been quite affordable, and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure,” he said.

Asked if this strategy had the potential to “land the wrong way,” Mr Pilnick disagreed.

“We don’t think so — in fact, it’s landing really well right now,” he said.”

I understand that CEO Gary feels “under pressure,” so to speak, to peddle his company’s pseudo-food so as to feed the shareholders’ bottom lines and assuage their own anxieties over next quarter’s earnings report.

But the mere fact that he feels comfortable running with this rhetoric in public without fear of adverse consequences speaks to the low regard with which corporate America holds the people of flyover country.

It’s not just private industry that’s getting in on the “cereal for dinner” action. Academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and Public Health™ are also in on the grift — much of it in the name of, you’ll be shocked to learn, Equity™.

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In 2022, for instance, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, the White House’s “nutrition advisor,” published an absurd paper in which he claimed that Lucky Charms are healthier than beef or chicken.

Via National Conservative (emphasis added):

Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian is a radical “nutritionist.” He was the lead author of a paper, published last October, that ranked 59 kinds of food on their alleged nutritional value.

Mozaffarian said that Luck Charms cereal and potato chips was healthier than fired eggs, ground beef, or grilled chicken chicken breast. He even ranked M&M’s as healthier than ground beef or fried eggs.

The paper was funded, in part, by Bill Gates. Since investing millions of his own fortune into “artificial meat” companies, Bill Gates now opposes eating actual meat. Gates is reportedly the single biggest owner of farmland in the USA. Critics of Mozaffarian and Gates say the attack on meat and eggs is primarily motivated by politics and money, not by science or nutrition.

Mozaffarian is now co-chairing a conference to advise the Biden Administration on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. He personally lobbied the US Senate to authorize this White House conference and it is the first once since 1969. Mazoffarian’s radical agenda will now influence what children are fed in public schools and what they are taught about nutrition.


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