
Nikki Haley Inverts Reality, Pushes ‘I Am Fighting the Establishment’ Fiction

AP Photo/Steven Senne

Nikki Haley, servant of the political elite, is now running with the derivative, uncreative, absurd-on-its-face “I am against the political elite” fake populist talking point that politically elite politicians have been pushing for years now.

          RelatedRand Paul to Tucker: Nikki Haley ‘From the McConnell-Dick Cheney Wing’ of GOP

She’s done this multiple times over the past couple of weeks at this point — frequently, ironically, on friendly corporate state media desperate to prop her up as an alternative to Trump.

At no point during her recent appearance on Meet the Press, for instance, does she display any semblance of self-awareness, or shame, that she’s declaring her opposition to the political elite for a softball interview with the epitome of the ruling class.

I think that, you know, it’s not surprising that [Trump] is surrounded by the political elite. but let’s keep in mind, the political elite has gotten nothing done for us in stopping the wasteful spending, has gotten nothing done to secure the border, has gotten nothing done to keep us more safe, as we see wars around the world…

The reason the political elite are upset and the members of Congress are upset is because I’ve pushed for term limits. I’ve pushed for mental competency tests. I’ve said if they don’t get a budget out on time, they shouldn’t get paid. So, look, I have fought this political class my entire life, and it’s — I’d much rather be fighting for the people than fighting for the elected officials in D.C.

Here’s what’s going on: Nikki Haley’s handlers have realized that the GOP voting base hates the establishment that she represents. So, in typical political strategist fashion, they have decided to simply invert reality and hope that the public is too ignorant or distracted to understand what they are doing.

This is a revisionist spit in the eye of every voter that each one of us should take as a personal affront. Consider how stupid she thinks we are that we would swallow this line.

For anyone interested in doing the light legwork to discover the truth — and admittedly, that’s a lamentably low percentage of the voting public — presidential candidates don’t get more establishment than Nikki Haley.

Via CNN (emphasis added):

Officials in the political network affiliated with billionaire Charles Koch on Saturday defended their heavy investment in Nikki Haley’s long-shot campaign to derail former President Donald Trump’s bid for the GOP presidential nomination.

In a presentation to the network’s top donors, Emily Seidel and Michael Palmer – senior advisers to Americans for Prosperity Action – said the narrowing of the GOP race to just Trump and Haley demonstrates she was the right candidate to back as a Trump alternative, according to a summary of the presentation provided to CNN by an AFP Action official.

AFP Action endorsed the former South Carolina governor in November and will continue to support her – even as she faces what Koch officials acknowledge is an “uphill battle” for the nomination…

The summary provided of Saturday’s presentation to Koch donors echoes recent public statements from AFP Action’s leaders.

The group has invested millions to back Haley’s candidacy and already has spent more than $3 million on advertising in South Carolina, according to AdImpact data. AFP officials say they have reached out to more than 420,000 South Carolina voters and were knocking on more doors in the Palmetto State this weekend.


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