
War on Christmas: News From the Front Pt. III

AP Photo/Mel Evans

The war against Christmas and the legacy Western culture it represents rages on.

Here’s the news from the front.

(Contd. from Pt. II)

MSNBC race hustlers push Black Santa propaganda HARD

One of MSNBC’s token minority talking heads — a useful and probably very well-paid tool for showcasing its fidelity to DEI and bespectacled Social Justice™ ultra-nerd called Jonathan Capehart — nary does a single segment not wholly devoted to pushing anti-white racism in one form or another.

          Related: New Hollywood Hate Flick: White People ‘The Most Dangerous Animal on the Planet’

Here he is hosting an apparent non-binary guest called Billy Porter and a masochistic white cuckold called D.J. Gugenheim, who looks very much like a Hamas hostage featured in a proof-of-life video, doing a promo disguised as a news segment for a racist documentary titled “American Santa.”

The excessively unsubtle premise of the documentary is that Black Santa is beautiful. Furthermore, anyone who doesn’t reflexively, proactively celebrate Black Santa’s braveness and stunningness is a White Supremacist™ racist.

At 4:40, Porter gives the game away: “it has to be in your face,” referring to race propaganda, “so we can be reminded.”

The dirty little secret is that these people are never going to stop cashing in on fomenting racial hatred as long as the gravy train keeps rolling on. They’ve discovered their grift, and business has never been better.

If anything like actual racial harmony were to break out, they’d have to make an honest day’s living. So they have the built-in incentives to gin up as much strife in the name of Equity™ as possible for maximum payoff.

The rule is: white people aren’t allowed to dress up as anything for Halloween that could conceivably be complained about by a women’s and gender studies professor. Meanwhile, sacred minorities are granted carte blanche to take what are indisputably not black mythological figures and turn them into Persons of Color™ for cash, and then make documentaries about it celebrating themselves.

That’s called Equity™.

Pro-Palestine protesters disrupt Santa Claus even in Toronto

Imagine being so siloed in your own Social Justice™ bubble as to believe that screaming “Jesus loves Palestinians!” into a megaphone in front of a bunch of families trying to get Santa time at the mall is somehow an effective strategy for rallying allies to the cause.

In reality, though, this isn’t really about strategery. It’s simply destructive nihilism aimed at anything that reeks of “white colonialism” or whatever, and that includes Christmas and Santa Claus dressed up as “activism.”  

Christmas carols remixed WEF-style

Some pioneering domestic terrorist hero remixed several Christmas classics and out of them fashioned a new WEF-style dystopia musical genre.

One of the song goes like this, to the tune of “12 Days of Christmas”:

On the fifth day of lockdown my government gave me

Five stinky masks

Four COVID tests

Three boosters 

Two sudden deaths

And attempted genocide

Then there’s the chorus “police at your door, growing your own food is not allowed anymore” to the tune of “Feliz Navidad.”

The montage also features the lyrics “you better not ask or lift an eyebrow why people are dying suddenly now. Cancer Klaus is coming to town” to the tune of “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.”

Gotta laugh so you don’t cry.


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