
WATCH: Muslim Scottish Labour Party Leader Denounces Scotland as Too ‘White’

(Harriet Line/PA via AP)

The diverse Anas Sarwar has broken the racial “glass ceiling” (or whatever stupid term the social engineers are using for artificial barriers against protected classes) in Scotland as the first-ever Muslim elected to lead a major British party.

The party is so proud of this fact that they put it in the very first paragraph of his biography on its website.

Via Scottish Labour (spelled, obscenely, with a “u” in typical British fashion) (emphasis added):

Anas has been at the forefront of Scottish politics for a decade, fighting for the people of Glasgow and Scotland. He is the first Muslim and person of colour to head a major political party in the UK.

He was born in Glasgow in 1983, where he still lives with his wife Furheen, an NHS dentist, and their three children.

Anas joined the Labour Party when he was 16. He studied dentistry at the University of Glasgow and worked as a dentist in the NHS in Paisley for five years. He was first elected as an MP in 2010 and was then elected as deputy leader of Scottish Labour one year later. In 2016 he was elected to the Scottish Parliament as MSP for Glasgow.

One might assume Anas would have a little bit of gratitude for the country his Pakistani parents immigrated to, which allowed him to live free of poverty and, in fact, thrive in a prominent position of authority within the country. After all, Anas knows as well as anyone that a white European Christian migrating to Pakistan would never be permitted to occupy any position of prominence in elected government, much less the head of a political party.

You see where this is going.

Anas is not grateful at all. Instead, he uses the platform granted to him by his white constituents to decry the whiteness of Scotland and demand more POCs in government and business, despite the fact that Scotland is over 95% white (for now; George Soros will see to it that it won’t be much longer if he gets his way).

Instead of expressing gratitude, Anas took to the podium to issue the following fatwa against all of the evil whites of Scotland, listing all of the members of the Scottish government and private sector who are white, the rhetorical point being that Scotland is a hopelessly racist country full of White Supremacy™ or whatever.

Note the emphasis he puts on every enunciation of the word “white” — as if it burns his tongue, as if it is some sort of shameful perversion, so dirty that it defiles even the mouth of he who utters the phrase.

First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party, Humza Haroon Yousaf, another son of Pakistani immigrants, gave virtually the same speech verbatim on the floor of Parliament a few years ago in the aftermath of George Floyd’s drug overdose.

It’s as if they get their talking points fed to them straight from the Open Society Foundations!

Via The Times (UK):

Addressing a Scottish parliament session on showing solidarity with anti-racists, Yousaf, who was the justice secretary at the time, listed examples showing the lack of non-white people in senior positions.

Claiming Scotland had a problem with “structural racism”, Yousaf said that “in 99 per cent of the meetings I go to, I am the only non-white person in the room. But why are we so surprised when the most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by those who are white?

“Take my portfolio alone. The lord president: white. The lord justice clerk: white. Every High Court judge: white. The lord advocate: white. The solicitor general: white. The chief constable: white. Every deputy chief constable: white. Every assistant chief constable: white. The head of the Law Society: white. The head of the Faculty of Advocates: white. Every prison governor: white.”


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