WATCH: Chris Christie Claims He Made a 'Great Sacrifice' to Become a Career Politician

AP Photo/Morry Gash

Chris Christie, the ever-reliable heel to MAGA, lacking the Big Guy at the recent debate, settled for targeting Vivek Ramaswamy with his fake tough-guy, big-strong-Government-Daddy routine. The audience, to its credit, saw through the schtick and booed him.


For its part, CNN, a big fan of Chris Christie and his likely future employer, was very impressed with his theater performance and subsequently invited him onto television to continue the act.

Christie also appeared after the debate on Fox News with establishment colleague Neil Cavuto, during which the candidate explained that he had sacrificed so much in order to run for president of nominally the most powerful office in the world:

I’ve been in public service in this country on and off now for 15 of the last 21 years at great sacrifice to my family, both in terms of my time and my ability to make a living. I got off the page, and [unintelligible] said, “where’s all that money that you’re bought and paid for for?” I’d like to see what that part of it is.

All one has to do is look at his figure to see that Chris Christie has never sacrificed for anything in his life, much less on behalf of the American people. For the record, by some estimates, Chris Christie has amassed a $5 million fortune in his “public service” and possibly much more.

Politicians, almost by definition, are avaricious, narcissistic, power-hungry attention whores. And Chris Christie is a consummate politician — certainly no exception to the rule, except perhaps in terms of his BMI. Most politicians are at least interested enough in their appearance to not weigh 300 pounds.


Related: National-Level Political Debates Are Exhausting Theater Productions With Ugly Actors

Along similar lines, Morning Joe and his actress wife had this tripe to say in defense of Joe Biden after he was recently caught napping in Maui at a gathering for survivors of a brutal wildfire (emphasis added):

You look at the local newspapers, you look at the local reports, you listen to the local people. These aren’t Democratic operatives, it was the Maui newspaper. Everybody in these newspapers, glowing coverage, thanking the president for being there, saying it made such a difference that he and Jill were so empathetic. They were so giving. They gave them hope. And again, just read the papers.

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