Feinstein Gives Power of Attorney to Her Daughter but Remains in the Senate

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

In any sane world, this would be the final nail in the coffin for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) political career. We can’t abide by this in a self-respecting country, can we? What kind of national morale is possible in a country that is ostensibly run by a geriatric who can’t be trusted with her own affairs?


Via New York Post:

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has relinquished power of attorney to her daughter — even as she continues to serve in Congress at the age of 90, according to a report.

The Democratic senator — who is the oldest member of Congress — has faced calls to resign after health complications kept her away from the Capitol for months earlier this year.

Since returning to Washington DC, she has appeared frail and has had a number of public mental lapses.

Feinstein handed over power of attorney to her daughter, 66-year-old Katherine Feinstein, in part to help handle legal battles over her late husband Richard Blum’s estate, the New York Times reported on Thursday.

This latest report — which should be taken as a bombshell and national scandal — dovetails with other images and reports emerging from the Swamp, including Feinstein being instructed to “just say aye” by an unelected aide in a Senate session, as I reported here at PJ Media.

Can we imagine, for a moment, what a three-way call between Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, and John Fetterman would look like? Mitch McConnell could pop in to say hi — or maybe not. Perhaps he’d just stare blankly into outer space until one of his handlers gently pulls him away for a hard-earned Ensure break.


The most obvious point here again is that all of this is a grotesque display in which multiple sitting senators, expected to make vital decisions on behalf of their constituents, aren’t even in charge of their own lives because Feinstein isn’t capable of managing her own personal affairs. They cling to power, one foot in the grave, and the respective parties refuse to intercede because the likes of McConnell, Feinstein, etc. are good boys and girls who can be counted on to vote just the way the technocrats want — as Feinstein did on camera in the clip above.

By all appearance, the Deep State is less and less concerned with maintaining the façade of democracy — a form of government that has not existed in practice, arguably, since the assassination of JFK in ’63 or possibly even before then.


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