The Hit(Piece)s Keep Coming: New York Times Smears RFK Jr. as Russian Puppet, COVID Conspiracist

AP Photo/Josh Reynolds

The corporate state media is getting antsy about the Brandon entity’s prospects in the upcoming primaries — let alone the general election.

Via The New York Times, June 19 (emphasis added):


President Biden might seem to be on cruise control until the heat of the 2024 general election. Nearly all of the nation’s top Democrats have lined up behind him, and the Republican nomination fight seems set to revolve around Donald J. Trump’s legal problems.

But he is nevertheless facing his own version of a primary: a campaign to shore up support among skeptical Democratic voters…

Upstart rivals include Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the anti-vaccine activist with a celebrated Democratic lineage who has emerged with unexpected strength in early polls even as he spreads conspiracy theories and consorts with right-wing figures and billionaire donors. Mr. Kennedy’s support from Democrats, as high as 20 percent in some surveys, serves as a bracing reminder of left-leaning voters’ healthy appetite for a Biden alternative, and as a glaring symbol of the president’s weaknesses…

The White House is taking steps to strengthen Mr. Biden’s political hand, planning a summer of events promoting his legislative achievements. This week, he is making his first overnight campaign trip since announcing his re-election bid, a fund-raising swing through Northern California. Last week, he accepted endorsements from the country’s biggest environmental and labor organizations, which his campaign says will help him coalesce Democratic support.

A day after the hand-wringing over Biden’s primary dilemma, the Newspaper of Record ran an opinion hit piece by Bret Stephens. Check out the orgy of tired, clichéd establishment talking points smushed into a single paragraph.


Via The New York Times, June 20 (emphasis added):

Kennedy is a crank. His long-held anti-vaccine views sit poorly with most Democrats. He has said the C.I.A. killed his uncle and possibly his father, that George W. Bush stole the 2004 election, and that Covid vaccines are a Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci self-enrichment scheme. He repeats Kremlin propaganda points, like the notion that the war in Ukraine is actually “a U.S. war against Russia.” He has nice things to say about Tucker Carlson.

Contrary to the popular talking point, RFK Jr. is not a “vanity” candidate. He might be a “long shot,” as they are fond of repeating as well, but that’s only because the entire power structure from the Deep State to the corporate state media to the pharmaceutical industry is arrayed against him.

If RFK Jr. truly were a hopeless outside with zero chance, the party wouldn’t need to recruit, at this point, nearly literally every major outlet to run back-to-back hit pieces, one after the other.

If enough independents and conservatives register in closed primary states and show up in force, RFK Jr. has a real, viable shot at winning the nomination.

Imagine the devastation wrought on the corrupt elements of the administrative state, rhetorically and materially, by an RFK Jr. vs Trump 2024 general election.

When you begin to appreciate the threat that the combination of RFK Jr. and Trump represents as the respective nominees of the two major parties, it becomes clear why the Deep State is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at stopping both of them. A controllable, compliant establishment candidate — from either side, Gavin Newsom or Chris Christie — is its only real chance to weather the populist storm coming its way. The 2024 race is existential to the continued development of the multinational, neoliberal technocracy.


Or, to put it this way: if RFK Jr. gets in, by the time he gets done the D.C. suburbs will no longer comprise the richest counties in the country. All of the beneficiaries of the corrupt merger of state and corporate power have their ill-gotten gains on the line.

#DraintheSwamp is still the ethos of a large swath of the electorate, which transcends party affiliation. Real ideological debates can be had out after the rubbish is taken out, but before that happens ideological differences are mostly academic. Washington, D.C. in its current form functions primarily as a conduit through which multinational elites suck out the vitality and substance of the American people.


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