To the non-scientific mind, a sincere proposal to block out the sun — the literal source of all life on Earth — might seem like an insane death wish.
But to more sophisticated minds, who appreciate and respect The Science™, the sun has been getting away with its global warming criminality for far too long. It’s time, they wisely advise, to take the kid gloves off.
In a CBS piece that more closely resembles absurdist satire than actual news, Peter Frumhoff of Harvard University explains that “solar geoengineering” is a “set of proposed technologies to rapidly cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight back into space.”
Imagine the godlike genocidal hubris to propose blocking out the sun with a straight face and fully expect to be met with credulous acquiescence from the peasants while totally ignorant of the long-term consequences to life on Earth.
“Sun-dimming” has long been a major pet project for self-appointed technocratic psychopath Bill Gates.
Via Popular Mechanics, 2021:
Bill Gates, who recently suggested the world should eat 100 percent synthetic beef and said bitcoin is bad for the planet, has set his sights on a new foe: the sun.
Gates and other private donors are backing Harvard University’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, which will soon launch a new study researching the efficacy of blocking sunlight from reaching Earth’s surface.This week, the influential National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) also released a new report urging the U.S. government to spend at least $100 million to study solar geoengineering, a controversial technology.
Thankfully, due to protests from a few scientists capable of clear thinking and free from genocidal impulses, that particular Gates-Harvard project was temporarily halted.
Via Solar Geoengineering Non-Use Agreement:
The risks of solar geoengineering are poorly understood and can never be fully known. Impacts will vary across regions, and there are uncertainties about the effects on weather patterns, agriculture, and the provision of basic needs of food and water.
The United Nations, for its part, unfettered by sober trepidation, wants to deploy “space mirrors” to reflect sunlight back into space.
A report from the United Nations says that to meet climate goals, it might be necessary to set up big mirrors that reflect sunlight into space…
It’s not the first time space mirrors have been suggested to lessen the worst effects of climate change. Andrew Yang, a former candidate for president of the United States, devised a plan to fix the planet in 2019…
His plan to put huge, foldable space mirrors in orbit would cost $4.86 quadrillion and take about twenty years to implement. The United Nations said that the world’s efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions are not on track to meet the 1.5°C goal set by the Paris Agreement.
So far, all of the surveyed proposals have been just that: proposals. Logistical, political, and financial constraints have thankfully prevented such efforts at scale thus far.
However, “solar geoengineering” is not just theoretical.
As with artificial intelligence, there is seemingly no one in a position of authority with the will or capacity to stop this sort of reckless experimentation in the name of fighting “climate change.”
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), for instance, is currently tinkering with spraying aerosols into the stratosphere.
Via Northwestern University Law Review, 2021:
Congress recently instructed the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to investigate stratospheric aerosols, materials that could be injected in the atmosphere as a means of solar climate intervention. This action has been widely interpreted as the first-ever federal research project into solar geoengineering—proposals to slightly “dim the sun” to limit the harms of climate change.