A 2020 montage from Cut, a production firm specializing in cringe videos that has over 11 million YouTube subscribers, has resurfaced on social media. In case you were under the delusion that race relations in the U.S. could not get any worse, let this disabuse you of the fantasy.
This is Social Justice™-flavored identity politics taken to its logical conclusion — unabashed race hate minus the pretentious liberal window-dressing:
Imagine this being said about literally any other race. Every person in this video would lose their job. They’d rightfully be called racists. They’d be shunned. If they say it about white people they get praised by the left. We can’t continue this madness. pic.twitter.com/sOQxhM6SiJ
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) February 25, 2023
Answering the query “what are white people superior at?”, presumably in comparison to Persons of Color™, the racist responses are:
- “Violence”
- “Genocide”
- “Stealing people’s lives”
- “Insecurity”
- “Being fearful”
- “Being ignorant”
- “Oppression”
- “Gaslighting”
- “Copycatting”
- “Taking over other people’s cultures”
- “Destruction of land”
- “Destruction of people”
- “Destruction of humanness” [sic]
- “Cultural appropriation”
Somehow, the interview subjects missed the accomplishments exclusively or predominately achieved by white people in white civilization, such as:
- The Renaissance
- The Enlightenment
- Western civilization itself
- Modern medicine
- Space travel
- The steam engine
- The internal combustion engine
- The airplane
- The internet
- The automobile
Given their principled opposition to “cultural appropriation,” perhaps the subjects — who so rebuke white people and their culture — should consider not culturally appropriating these achievements by not using them anymore.
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