On 'Independent' Sinema's Scumbaggery and Dem Politicians' Weird Kindergarten Teacher Vocal Aesthetic

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Alleged “independent” Kyrsten Sinema recently left the Democratic Party. She gave an exclusive interview to CNN’s Jake Tapper, as true independents do, of course, to explain herself.


It was the standard fare of vomitous word salad you would expect from any Democratic establishment politician, and totally unremarkable in its contents — “I want to leave the partisanship behind,” “I want to get back to serving Arizonans who are also independent,” “now I can be free to govern the way Arizonans want,” etc.

You could watch the whole segment and learn literally nothing about what Sinema actually does or wants to do on behalf of her constituents. There is no there there.

The reality, of course, is that Sinema’s decision has much more to do with cynical political calculations than high-minded principles. Swamp creatures like Sinema have no principles to act upon. Nothing is going to change about how she governs, as she herself acknowledges in the interview. In her previous stint in the Democratic tent, she served special interests, and after going “independent,” she’ll continue to do the exact same thing.

On the substance, all of the hullabaloo about her leaving the Democrat Party is nonsense. It’s totally irrelevant to anyone’s life.

The most notable element of her interview is the weird kindergarten teacher vocal aesthetic she uses. Give it a listen, and you’ll get the distinct impression of being lectured to as a child by a bespectacled authority figure instilling some deep moral lesson. She contorts her voice to convey the weightiness of the words while simultaneously softening it to absurd proportions like a mother would to a two-year-old throwing a tantrum over a spilled pudding cup or whatever.


Consider the condescension of talking to an adult audience like this, and then consider that Kamala Harris employs the same trick:

And so does admitted diversity hire lesbian-immigrant-POC trifecta WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre:

And so does British royal and oppressed minority Meghan Markle:

One comes away with the unavoidable impression that this is some new-age PR tactic invented by our social engineer overlords to further infantilize the public. No matter how absurd or draconian the rhetoric, as long as it’s delivered in a cooing, singsong voice, it’s all liberal, and it’s all loving.


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