
The Branch COVIDians' Masks Wrecked the Environment

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky, File

Browse liberal social media and note the frequent co-occurrence of two avatars of social justice: climate change (warped environmentalism) and masking.

In the strange postmodern culture war, these two seemingly unrelated political football issues intertwine significantly, based on statistical analysis. A poll recently conducted by the Morning Consult — How Concern Over Climate Change Correlates With Coronavirus Responses — compared climate change attitudes with masking attitudes. The results comport with my (and probably your) “lived experience,” as the social justice people put it:

  • Climate-concerned adults are 24 points more likely to always wear a mask in public spaces than those unconcerned with climate change.
  • Strong majorities are always following social distancing practices, though the climate-concerned (86%) are 14 points more likely to do so than the climate-unconcerned (72%).

It’s a whole interwoven mess of a Venn diagram — the masked COVIDians, the “climate change” activists. the mindless supporters of sacred Democracy© who couldn’t find Ukraine on a map, the pangender-fluids who insist on placing their pronouns in their social media bios. It’s a single indeterminable mass collective of members with no individual identity or critical thought process.

They are the real-life Borg, receiving their grab-bag social justice cues du jour from the mothership and parroting the trendiest narrative in unison. They spare not a moment for critical reflection (who needs that when saving the world is on the agenda?), and so are blissfully unaware of their hypocrisies and self-contradictions, basking in the warm embrace of their moral superiority.


The next time you encounter a masked, smug Branch COVIDian in uniform, and you are inclined to get in the mud with them, use actual information (not the drivel they get from the Huffington Post) to knock them off their high horse. Inform them that their treasured face masks protect no one and, in fact, contribute to environmental degradation in a very immediate, measurable sense.

Single-use disposable masks exploded onto the scene when the WHO initiated the pandemic Public Health© protocols:

Shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020, the production of face masks and, in general, all types of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical devices (MD) (e.g., gowns, gloves, sanitary stockings) became a global priority.

What followed was the unceremonial dumping of masks at previously unseen scale directly into oceans, rivers, roadsides, and landfills — a lamentable but necessary side effect of the “15 days to flatten the curve” Public Health© guidance.

Because they know they’re never held accountable for job performance, the Public Health© priests failed to account for the environmental impacts of their edicts or their predictable detrimental impacts down the road on actual public health:

Mostly, face masks are made of petroleum-based non-renewable polymers that are non-biodegradable, hazardous to the environment and create health issues… Neglecting the seriousness of this issue may lead to the release of large tonnes of micro-plastics to the landfill as well as to the marine environment where mostly end-up and thereby affecting their fauna and flora population vastly.

And via the Journal of Molecular Liquids:

This new important waste is a potential source of microplastics, which is found nowadays in many parks, streets, and coastlines. Discarded masks will be finally drained to the ocean polluting the marine environment and threatening marine life.

According to recent research, “Invisible microplastics have been found almost 400ft (120 metres) underground in UK water streams.”

They seep into the water and food supply, ultimately ending up in your and your family’s organs:

Microplastic pollution has been detected in human blood for the first time, with scientists finding the tiny particles in almost 80% of the people tested. The discovery shows the particles can travel around the body and may lodge in organs.

No tissue or organ, no matter how tucked away in the crevices of the body, is off-limits, not even the brain, which is otherwise protected by a powerful filter called the blood-brain barrier: Microplastics “with a size of about 10 µm should be able to access all organs, cross cell membranes, cross the blood-brain barrier, and enter the placenta.”

What happens once we’ve absorbed microplastics into our organs? The short answer — based on what we know so far — is “not good”:

[Microplastics] pollute drinking water, accumulate in the food chain, and release toxic chemicals that may cause disease, including certain cancers. Micro/nano-plastics may pose acute toxicity, (sub) chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, and developmental toxicity.

If the enlightened social engineers get their way, you soon won’t be permitted to drive a car anymore because carbon is too dangerous for life on Earth, but Fauci’s masks leeching plastic into our water supply and then into our brains is what we do in a Democracy©. Those are our values©.

A tangential benefit for the ruling class is that once sufficient quantities of microplastics from masks make that journey across the blood-brain barrier, we might all be cognitively impaired sufficiently to vote Democrat like the other lobotomized NPCs who comprise the party faithful.

Mentally handicapped voters are a neoliberal technocrat’s most loyal, reliable voting block.


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