Best non-PJM blog: Ben Stein in today's American Spectator


Ben Stein is now a grandfather.  In one of the most beautiful, touching, wise, poignant and of course—since we’re talking Ben Stein, here—funny essays I’ve read in my life, he writes of the day of his granbddaughter’s birth, July 7, 2011.  I’ve long nurtured a very soft spot in my heart (at least my heart) for Ben Stein.  Reading this essay only increases my affection for a man I’ve only met once, and fleetingly.  So there’s no disclosure to be made that he’s among my best friends.  The only disclosure I’ll make is this: “Mazel tov, Ben Stein.  There’s no human relationship more precious than the one between grandfather and granddaughter.  May you both enjoy this great simcha for many happy, healthy decades to come.  Start immediately to nurture this incomparable bond. I’m happy for you and your family.”



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