2014: A 20-Something's Year of Food, Art, Exercise, Nostalgia, and Giving


I was inspired by some of Dave Swindle’s goals for the New Year (and might steal one or two). Here are a few activities I intend to complete, and write about, in 2014:


1. Read more books on national security.

Hey, I find foreign affairs, history, and war fascinating.  I want to know more. I should read more.

2. Cook through a cookbook.

I’m good at the recipes I already know—time to pull a Julie and Julia and teach this dog some new, culinary tricks.  I am going to choose a cookbook by Ina Garten because her recipes are easy, wholesome, and gorgeous (yes, food can be gorgeous).  Wanna follow along?  This could lead to some mouthwatering posts.

3. Copying Dave Swindle by making it a goal to post more “fun stuff” that is apolitical.

Sometimes, we just need to sit back, relax, and enjoy reading, or viewing, a wholesome post.  I would like to do more of this.

4. Run more.

It has probably become obvious from some of my previous posts that I am a jogger—and that I do so around Washington, D.C.  I would like to make it a goal to get out there and run more.  This will probably lead to some “GET UP AND MOVE” motivational posts for those of you who are looking to “be healthier” this year. Maybe I’ll even cave and get a dog to be my running buddy…maybe you should too.

5. Take more pictures (of my jogging adventures around D.C. and the other resolutions I made above).

I went through my photos from the past year—there were very few to even look at.  This might lead to the creation of an Instagram…

6. Fun fact: I used to paint—a lot.

2014 is going to be the year of the paintbrush and stretched canvas. I would also like to bring some Art talk to PJ Media.  Any interest?


7. Complete Random Acts of Kindness.

I love Christmas and that contagious, happy, “Christmas spirit” that you feel around the holidays.  However, our generosity and “do good” attitude shouldn’t end after a certain date—we should give all year round.  I completed a few “random acts of kindness” around Christmas 2013, but I would like to continue doing these little things in the New Year.

8. Reread books from my childhood and research my favorite children’s book authors/illustrators and their creative process…and maybe write a book of my own.

I bought a stack of my favorite children’s books for my little brother, Julian, this past Christmas. (Where the Wild Things Are, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie—just to name a few). Before I wrapped them, I read all of them over again.  I have always been in awe of writers and how they come up with ideas for books–and then bring them to life through words and pictures. I would like to explore some of the “greats” of children’s literature this year and learn more about the men and women who have written some of my (maybe our) favorites. I am hoping that this will provide some inspiration that will jump start my own creative process for a kid’s book.



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