The Reasons Behind the South African Translator Gate Scandal

The reasons for Translator Gate in South Africa seem pretty clear. I am referring to the scandal regarding this shocking, funny sign language translator at the Mandela funeral. I suggest that the Translator Gate is going to be quieted as to the reasons it happened. The Secret Service’s preferred security arrangements were overruled, because the White House did not want to hurt South Africa’s feelings, treating it like third-world Africa. I can’t think of any other way that happened. Therefore, out of concerns of accusations of “racism,” the life of the U.S. president was placed in danger. If I am wrong, I’ll admit it.


By the way, I note that Israel will overrule any country, including European–as has been shown periodically–if there are any security concerns. And it will cancel rather than risk endangering a visiting foreign leader’s life. For example, last week one of the EU states cancelled some visits, because Israel thought that the prime minister would be placed in danger by security arrangements. Also it has showed a willingness to cancel travel arrangements if passengers were placed in potential danger. I saw this, by the way, as by coincidence, I was five blocks from the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and was actually standing next to the place where Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated on November 4, 1995.


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