Amid the endless celebration and winning since Nov. 5, I can’t banish the worry from the back corners of my mind: why did the Democrats give up this election season? Where were the riots? The endless lawsuits before friendly judges? The ballot harvesting? The “Midnight Magic” vote dumps? Why did they let Trump win without pulling any of their tricks?
First, let’s acknowledge that it’s impossible to give enough credit to the new, improved, MAGAfied RNC for its ruthlessly effective performance in the 2024 general election. Donald Trump won both the popular and electoral votes, while at the same time, the millions of questionable new Democrat votes that had put Joe Biden over the top in 2020 disappeared from the system.
Or did they?
This will make you laugh: after getting their butt handed to them, Democrats actually tried to float the theory that Donald Trump stole the election.
“There have been concerns about voting irregularities in the 2024 election amid allegations that it was 'rigged' in favor of President Donald Trump,” fretted Newsweek in a January piece called “What's Behind 'Rigged' 2024 Election Claims”:
Two election integrity groups have suggested that analysis of voting behavior in 2024 swing states could indicate irregularities.
The claims were based on the drop-off vote rate in Nevada, a swing state Trump won in 2024, which was higher than the historical average for presidential elections, according to the ETA. The group also said there was an apparent "spike" in Trump's votes when tabulation machines processed a higher volume of ballots.
"Drop-off vote" refers to the difference between the votes cast in the presidential race, i.e. at the top of the ballot, and those cast in statewide elections, such as Senate races that a voter can find further down the ballot, held the same day.
ETA said that while drop-off votes for candidates are not unusual, the consistency of Harris' underperformance in numerous counties across the swing states "warrants a thorough review."
Naturally, butthurt Democrats fixate on the conclusion that their standard bearer, Kamala Harris, underperformed. But here’s another way of looking at this data: down-ballot Democrats overperformed.
The example Newsweek gives is Clark County, Nevada.
In 2024, Trump received 493,052 votes in Clark County, with the losing GOP candidate for a Senate seat, Sam Brown, getting 441,057. This is a difference of 51,995 votes, amounting to 10.5 percent drop-off.
In comparison, Harris won 520,187 votes, with Senator Jacky Rosen getting 514,662 votes, amounting to a 1.06 percent Democratic drop-off. Trump won Nevada overall in November by nearly 50,000 votes.
That's an uncharacteristically low drop-off for down-ballot Dems. Newsweek also quotes a SMARTElections blog post from Dec. 12, and I have added emphasis:
There are often many more votes for the Republican presidential candidate (Trump) than for the Republican Senate candidate (or major down-ballot race). Especially in the swing states, we did not find this on the Democratic side. Instead, on the Democratic side, we find an opposite phenomenon. There are a large number of votes for the Democratic Senate candidate (or major down-ballot race) where there is no vote for the Democratic presidential candidate (Harris)."
Why would Democrats rig part of the election but not bother to put their gal over the top? In a piece at American Thinker, Jerome Corsi (who holds a Harvard PhD in Political Science) hypothesizes that the Deep Party needed to smack Harris down, as she was not their candidate; rather, she was inflicted on them by a wrathful Joe Biden in retaliation for being forced out of the race — but that’s a subject for another article. For the purposes of this article, I’ll note that Corsi pointed out, “[We] would make a mistake to think that there are vote margins so large that cheating is impossible. Biden’s popular vote total was even larger in 2020 than Trump’s in 2024 (81,283,501 vs. Trump’s 74,223,975 in 2020 and 77,303,573 in 2024). Biden’s 2020 popular vote was ‘too big because it was rigged.’” Corsi goes on:
What we learned after 2020 was that cryptographic algorithms embedded in State Board of Elections (SBOE) voter registration databases existed in databases, as Andrew Paquette and I demonstrated on our 501(c)3 website, The algorithms permit bad actors to create false voter records that are still given legitimate state voter ID numbers.
The scheme appears designed to allow the criminals operating the cryptographic scheme, at will, to vote illegally the number of certifiable (though false) mail-in ballots needed to win.
In 2020, the telltale pattern of election fraud was evident, as all the battleground states halted counting votes on election night. When vote counting resumed, enough mail-in ballots in each battleground state miraculously appeared, putting Biden on top for good. However, in 2024, after Andrew Paquette exposed cryptographic algorithms in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia, each of the battleground states completed vote counting on election night, with all of them reporting Trump as the winner.
However, even as the Democrats stepped back from the top of the ticket, as the razor-thin margin in the House reminds us, the president isn’t the only person on a ballot. The ongoing investigation of many down-ballot elections suggests that the algorithms were also used in those down-ballot races. There’s growing evidence strongly suggesting that the Democrats stole many U.S. House and Senate elections and an even larger number of state and local races.
The Democrat party’s goal in stealing down-ballot elections in 2024 was to ensure the GOP got a majority in the U.S. House and Senate that was “too small to rule.” The Democrats accomplished that goal by electoral sleight-of-hand diversion. The down-ballot elections the Democrats stole in 2024 were critical for the Democrats to win if the Deep State were to have any chance of undermining Trump’s determination to drive a MAGA legislative agenda aimed at defeating once and for all the “woke” critical-thinking radical left.
That would certainly explain the trend of Republicans losing the other major offices on the ballot in states Trump won.
“Current 119th Congress: Senate 53R-47D, House 218R-215D with 2 Vacancies in R districts,” notes political commentator Rod Martin on his Substack. He asserts, “If not for Democrat Cheat-by-Mail, it would likely be 57R in the Senate (Lake-AZ, Brown-NV, Hovde-WI, Rogers-MI), and more than a half dozen additional Rs in the House.”
(As an aside, I noticed something similar in North Carolina, a state I covered during the 2024 election. While Trump took the top of the ticket and the Republicans added three U.S. Reps, Democrats swept the statewide elections: “In North Carolina state-wide races, Democrats did well. They broke the veto-proof Republican supermajority in the North Carolina General Assembly, elected a Democrat, Josh Stein, as governor, and flipped the lieutenant governor seat from red to blue by electing Rachel Hunt. Yet the state went for Trump over Harris by 51.1% to 47.7%. And thus, North Carolina retains its reputation for being a complex and truly purple state for another cycle,” I wrote. Now I’m not so sure it’s that simple.)
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Now, a court case currently underway in Florida has the potential to blow the lid off Democrat down-ballot vote manipulation, if it did indeed occur. Republican Rocky Rochford is contesting the victory of Democrat Kathy Castor in the race for Florida District 14's U.S. House seat.
Political analyst and activist Jeff Lukens has the details in a report that has been cropping up across conservative news sites:
The Ticktin Law Group has identified a systematic breakdown of internal election controls that affected the FL-14 race and other races far beyond. They have found duplicate voters called "clones" in the voter rolls. These fraudulent clones are digital people created based on the identities of real people, with minor variations in name spelling, birth dates, and addresses. Multiple clones can be made based on the identity of a single real person. As a result, fraudsters can manufacture unlimited numbers of these cloned voters in the cyber world. They estimate approximately 10 to 15 thousand cloned voters on the Florida voter rolls.
The Ticktin team has also developed an algorithm that can scan the voter rolls and identify these clone voters. They found that whoever created these clones in the voter rolls was using sophisticated encryption on a level that the National Security Agency might use.
But it isn't just clones. When a prospective voter fills out a vote-by-mail application in Florida, she must include either her driver's license number or the last four of her social security number. Applications with neither of these fields filled in are called "No-Nos," and it's a felony in Florida to send a mail-in ballot to these applicants.
Yet, says Lukens, "On September 9, 2024, 196,986 'No-No' requests for VBMs arrived in Pinellas County alone, and on September 13, 2024, 245,255 'No-No' requests arrived in Miami-Dade County alone." He says Hillsborough County, also in the 14th, issued more than 5,000 of these ballots, too: "Combined with the massive number of 'No-No' ballots in Pinellas County, these numbers were more than enough to swing the election to Democrat Kathy Castor."
"Once the ballot is separated from the envelope, the illegitimate ballots are mingled with the legitimate ones, and the votes are counted," Lukens explains.
Moreover, other local Democratic down-ballot candidates outperformed state averages in the VBM tally, especially in Hillsborough County. In these races, Democrats lost the in-person vote at the polling locations but won the VBM vote by a wide margin. These would include school board, property appraiser, and supervisor of elections races. Even a county millage tax increase was approved by a lopsided number of VBM votes.
It is now up to the Second Judicial Circuit court in Tallahassee to determine whether fraud occurred in the 2024 Florida 14th District election for U.S. Rep. If the court finds fraud did occur in a large enough quantity to have affected the outcome of the race, Rochford has asked that it nullify the election results, mandate a new election, and order an investigation into the entire vote-by-mail process.
If I may indulge in a bit of fantasy here, a win in Florida's District 14 would open the floodgates. Republican “losses” nationwide would be ripe for challenge. Not only might 2024 Democrat Congressional "wins" be reopened, but most importantly, Republicans would have justification to purge the system of the Democrats’ ghost in the machine once and for all.
“The problem with over-confidence based on Trump’s historic 2024 electoral victory is we may lose the urgency to remove the cryptographic algorithms embedded in the SBOE voter registration files,” says Corsi. “That would leave us unprepared for a possible Democrat party decision to use the algorithms to steal majorities in both the House and Senate in the 2026 mid-term elections and retake the presidency in 2028.”
“Trump’s most important objective in his second term in office must be to expose the cryptographic algorithms and to conduct criminal investigations of those responsible for placing them into SBOE voter registration files. No issue is more critical—not securing the borders, deporting criminal illegal immigrants, or ending global wars,” Corsi avers. I concur.
Democrats were too quiet in 2024, and it was unnerving. If we know anything about the progressive left, we know it never gives up and it never stops working. Perhaps this is what it was up to while we were all watching the show at the top of the ticket.