Oh, the Irony: Leftists Fret That Trump Would Refuse to Leave the White House. Meanwhile…

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Leftists across the country have been pushing the same panic as the Biden campaign: If you let Donald Trump back into the White House, he will never leave! He’ll become a dictator and refuse to honor the end of his term!! Just like when he marshaled his army and attempted a coup d’état on January 6! And it just might work this time! … Because, you know, the nearly three million people who work in the federal apparatus, along with the House, the Senate, the U.S. armed forces, and the 335 million residents of the United States will all be helpless to do otherwise than toe the line and follow Trump's orders. It’s incredible what a handful of wacky rioters wearing horned helmets and wielding bear spray can accomplish.


…Yeah, that whole “insurrection” thing never really worked for me, either. But by gum, Democrats, both professional and civilian, have shot it straight into their veins and are now even more scared of a duly re-elected Donald Trump than they were of COVID. This is thanks to the efforts of Team Biden and its allies in the media, academia, and elsewhere who have been screeching the alarm about saving Muh Sacred Democracy™ from Orange Man Bad.

One recent example of this ridiculous narrative was when vacant-eyed dust puppet "President" Joe Biden abused his position to make a campaign speech under the guise of giving a statement about the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision. “Nearly four years ago, my predecessor sent a violent mob to the U.S. Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power,” lied Biden, furious that his justice system goons had been dealt a setback in their efforts to jail his main opponent. “We all saw it with our own eyes. We sat there and watched it happen that day. Attack on the police. The ransacking of the Capitol. A mob literally hunting down the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Gallows erected to hang the vice president, Mike Pence. I think it’s fair to say it was one of the darkest days in the history of America.”


“Now the man who sent that mob to the U.S. Capitol is facing potential criminal conviction for what happened that day. And the American people deserve to have an answer in the courts before the upcoming election. The public has a right to know the answer about what happened on January 6th before they ask to vote again this year,” our figurehead hyperventilated. Alas, “Now, because of today’s decision, that is highly, highly unlikely. It’s a terrible disservice to the people of this nation.”

Biden went on: “So, now — now the American people have to do what the Court should have been willing to do but would not. The American people have to render a judgment about Donald Trump’s behavior. The American people must decide whether Donald Trump’s assault on our democracy on January 6th makes him unfit for public office in the highest office in the land. The American people must decide if Trump’s embrace of violence to preserve his power is acceptable.”

As we all know by now, whatever Democrats accuse their opponent of doing, they themselves are doing in actuality.

In this case, it is Joseph Robinette Biden who is preserving his power. He can’t take a hint and doesn’t know when to leave the party. As the chorus of Democrat politicians and media personalities gets louder, demanding Biden step aside to make room for a younger, more vibrant and attractive candidate, he is digging in his heels and refusing to relinquish his grip on the high office. 


Related: Democrat Voters Are Making a Shocking Admission. What Does it Mean for the Trump Campaign?

Biden's circle of advisors shrinks as he listens to fewer and fewer of them. After he disabused Democrats of the illusion of his competence, he turned to his family to discuss his next steps. These are the people who have been riding the Biden gravy train the hardest: Joe’s siblings, DOCTOR Jill Biden, and crackhead son Hunter. Of course they’re going to tell him to stay in office. They’re nothing without their link to the White House.  

Never mind the Biden campaign's narrative that big, scary Donald Trump will never leave the White House if the American people are foolish enough to put him back in it; it's Joe Biden and his grasping, grifting family members who will have to be pried out of there with a crowbar.

It's hard to say which is worse: watching the putative leader of the free world senesce into full-blown dementia or watching people I once loved and respected descend into the trance of the fully subsumed zealot.



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