Some Very Bad News Out of Iowa for Biden, Democrats

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

One of the most accurate polls in the United States finds President Joe Biden’s job-approval rating plummeting .

Fewer than one-third of Iowans approve of Biden, while 62 percent disapprove, according to a Sept. 12-15 Des Moines Register Poll.


That’s a 12-point drop in the same poll of more than 800 Iowans from June.

Biden’s job approval has not been in net positive territory in Iowa since March, when 47 percent of Iowans approved of his performance and 44 percent disapproved.

Just 4 percent of Hawkeye State Republicans say they approve of the job he’s doing as president, while 86 percent of Democrats do. Only 29 percent of registered Independents approve.

Biden’s approval on withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan stands at an anemic 22 percent in the state.

Related: As Biden’s Presidency Crumbles, Democrats in Congress Lose Hope

Biden’s Iowa job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump’s worst showing, which was 35 percent approval in late 2017.

The Iowa poll should not be ignored or minimized due to its historic accuracy. Biden lost Iowa to Trump last fall by eight points.

“It’s the rare poll that makes an entire party sit up and take notice. The new Iowa poll is one of those polls,’ CNN’s Chris Cillizza explained Tuesday. “While first term, midterm elections are, historically, very difficult for the president’s party in the House, that trend is made far, far worse if the president’s approval rating is below 50% if the President’s numbers in Iowa are anything close to where they are today, it is an absolute disaster for Democrats — and would presage the near-certain loss of a large number of House seats [and their majority] come next November.”


Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, who would be 89 by next election day, holds a large lead in his hypothetical 2022 matchup.

To the south, where Biden lost Texas by only six points and Democrats remain desperate for a breakthrough, there is more bad news for Team Biden. A Dallas Morning News poll released this week found that a majority of Lone Star State Hispanics also disapprove of the president.

Only 35 percent of Hispanic voters in Texas are happy with Biden’s performance, while 54 percent either disapproved or strongly disapproved.



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