A Challenge to Henry Waxman

President Obama has no affection for the state of Israel and no apparent understanding of its importance to the national security of the United States and to the free world.


He has concocted a phony crisis over permitting housing units for Jews to be built in the capital of the Jewish state. By the time this crisis is resolved — if indeed Obama sees an end in sight, and whether he does or not is lamentably debatable — Israel will have been weakened by the necessity of placating Obama, and the interests of her enemies will have been advanced.

Israel’s enemies are also the enemies of the United States. They hate not only Jews but Christians, who are under siege in every Muslim country in which they live as a minority. But Israel is expected to cede land and uproot its citizens in favor of a jihadist aggressor whose aim is world domination.

Obama’s deplorable rudeness and contempt, displayed toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his White House visit, is only one signal of the radical sea-change in Israel-U.S. relations. Obama is now seriously considering a request by Qatar’s foreign minister that the U.S. not veto an upcoming UN Security Council vote condemning Israel for building in its own capital.

Until now, only the U.S. stood between Israel and hostile UN resolutions. With Obama at the helm, Israel will no longer be able to count on American friendship as a buffer to international sentiment that is increasingly threatening to Israel and the Jewish people.


One of the most powerful Democratic members of Congress is Rep. Henry Waxman of Los Angeles. Waxman frequently cites his Jewish background as the source of his cultural pride and his liberal values, and he has voiced public support for Israel, even if his actions don’t live up to his rhetoric. Waxman’s district is 14% Jewish, and this politically active segment is one of the reasons he has been in office for 35 years.

Considering the work Waxman performed to help pass ObamaCare, it stands to reason that he would have Obama’s ear regarding Israel. And per Waxman’s previous defense of Israel, it stands to reason that he would be concerned about Obama’s treatment of the country. It should be distressing to Waxman’s district that he has remained silent about Obama’s clear antipathy towards our democratic ally.

Waxman’s blind loyalty to President Obama’s agenda — which is contrary to his previously stated positions — is disturbing.

Throughout history, Jews who stood up for their people against the forces of tyranny were heroes and advanced the cause of freedom for all people — just as the state of Israel must do now.

By not standing up to Obama, by not spending even a penny of political capital, Waxman is now next to useless as a protector of the Jewish people, as an ally of the state of Israel, and for the cause of freedom.


Waxman’s inaction speaks volumes. He has placed political expedience ahead of the security of Israel and the United States, and the safety of Jews and Christians worldwide.

Waxman must publicly demand that Obama continue to exercise the U.S. veto in the UN Security Council when it votes to condemn Israel. Moreover, he should strenuously criticize Obama for daring to bar Jews from living where they choose in their own eternal and undivided capital, as affirmed by the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (confirming the status of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital). Obama, in condemning Israel for building in Jerusalem, is disregarding U.S. law.

Waxman should demand that the U.S. move its embassy to Jerusalem, as the Jerusalem Embassy Act requires.

Waxman should not treat this as quid pro quo, for it is not a favor from Obama to enforce existing law, nor is it presidential prerogative to ignore it. Waxman owes it to his faithful constituency to remind Obama of his responsibility to faithfully execute and carry out the laws of the United States.

We know Obama is angling for the redivision of Jerusalem. He propounds the lie that there is an East and a West Jerusalem and that so-called East Jerusalem is traditionally Arab. This insidious lie was concocted by Israel’s enemies in order to deny the Jewish connection to Israel’s capital and the land of Israel itself.


Arab East Jerusalem was Jewish until 1948, when Jordan either expelled or massacred the Jews living there. Jordan blew up over 100 synagogues, Jewish schools, and other institutions, and desecrated whatever remained.

Israel liberated Jordanian-occupied Jerusalem in 1967 during the Six Day War, after being attacked by five Arab nations intending to destroy her and drive all the Jews into the sea. People of all faiths and nationalities live in freedom there now — which was not the case during the 19 years of Jordanian occupation.

Obama is now endeavoring to advance false narratives at Israel’s expense.

Passover is the Jewish holiday that celebrates our Exodus from bondage and our journey to the Promised Land. The story of the Exodus is our deed to the land of Israel — a hundred years ago, every Christian nation in Europe recognized that it was so.

Today, Muslims zealously defend their claim to Jewish land, though Jerusalem is not mentioned even once in the Koran, yet is the centerpiece of the Hebrew Bible and the heart and soul of Judaism. Why should Obama support the Arabs in their zeal and deny the Jews in theirs? If Waxman continues to go follow Obama, he will be complicit in leading the Jewish people right back into bondage. Or worse.


Moreover, the destruction of Israel or a weakened Israel unable to defend itself would not herald the world peace and harmony that our short-sighted president envisions. Certainly, the absence of Jewish housing units in Jerusalem would not contribute to peace and stability.

Obama does not recognize that Israel’s enemies and the enemies of the United States are identical. They share precisely the same goals for world domination and the destruction of the free world. Obama harbors a persistent blind spot for Muslim intransigence, aggression, terrorism, and hatred for all things Jewish and Christian.

Henry Waxman must discover his integrity and speak out against the injustices towards Israel already perpetrated by Obama, and against those he plans to carry out in the near and long-term.


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