Before we repeat the Libya debacle in Syria ...

The Obama administration continues to find millions of dollars in aid and materiel for anti-American Islamists, even as it fraudulently claims the infinitesimal “sequester” is requiring draconian cuts in government services for Americans. Topping the list, besides a continuation of Obama’s policy of arming the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt with military aircraft and tanks, are more millions for the Syrian mujahideen “rebels” — inconveniently timed to coincide with the pledge by several “rebel” groups aligned with al Qaeda to replace the Assad regime with a sharia state.


As Obama, egged on by the GOP’s McCain faction, increasingly looks poised to repeat in Syria the debacle they jointly executed in Libya — a policy of empowering Islamic supremacists that led directly to the Benghazi massacre of September 11, 2012, it is worth noting a new UN report reaffirming that the administration’s unauthorized war to topple Qaddafi has resulted in the arming of jihadists throughout the region. As detailed by Israeli National News and the Washington Post:

A United Nations panel says weaponry from Libya is spreading across North Africa to Gaza and Syria “at an alarming rate.” The five-expert committee said in a 94-page report sent Tuesday to the U.N. Security Council that illegal transfers of arms from Libya to armed groups and terrorists have been proven.

The arms trafficking violations involved more than 12 countries and included light and heavy ordnance, such as portable air defense systems, mines, explosive materials, ammunition and small arms….

Libya has over the past two years become a significant and attractive source of weaponry in the region,” since the fall of 41-year Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi in 2011,” the report said. “The lack of an effective security system remains one of the primary obstacles to securing military materiel and controlling the borders.”… The areas into which Libyan arms have flowed included West Africa, the Levant “and potentially even the Horn of Africa,” the report noted. “Illicit flows from the country are fueling existing conflicts in Africa and the Levant and enriching the arsenals of a range of non-state actors, including terrorist groups.” The panel also warned that armed terrorist groups in Libya, who it said are the best financed, are strengthening their position.



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