Happy Mother's Day

To all those moms out there, happy Mother’s Day. Jules Crittenden a href=”http://www.julescrittenden.com/2007/05/13/motherthink/”has an interesting post /aentitled, “Motherthink” in honor of Mother’s Day.br /br /Update: Jack Lail at the emKnoxville News-Sentinel /emput together a collection of a href=”http://www.knoxnews.com/kns/local_news/article/0,1406,KNS_347_5534815,00.html”Tennessee women bloggers /afor Mother’s Day. I see two of my favorites on the list–a href=”http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/”View from the Front Porch /aby gun blogger Tamara K. and a href=”http://domesticpsychology.com/blog/”Domestic Psychology/a by Cathy, a mom of five.



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