Weiner Resigns: Left goes back on name calling offensive

Today, after much speculation and a very large amount of handwriting found on a wall, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) decided to resign from the United States House of Representatives. According to ABC News, Weiner phoned Rep. Steve Israel (Chair of the DCCC) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Minority Leader) at the White House picnic to let them know of his decision.


The decision comes after a scandal that involved Rep. Weiner, Twitter, possibly underage girls, a porn star, “sexting,” lewd photos, graphic photos, peculiar photos and just bizzare photos of the former Congressman in various stages of undress, and in multiple poses.

Some on the left may lament the loss of a liberal juggernaut like Weiner. Other Democrats may be thrilled to have this “distraction” behind them. Yet, mostly, the relief will be from hard-core progressive leftists, who can now put all the “wiener” innuendo to bed, and go back to calling the Right “tea baggers,” “Koch-whores” and, of course, continuing with the Dick Armey jokes.


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