Ed Schultz: Purge of American Flag Is a 'Desecration' of American History

Defenders of the Confederate flag (of whom I’m not one) have a new and unexpected ally: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz.

The liberal talker said recently that purging the flag from museums and war memorials is a “desecration” of American history. Yes, really (listen to the audio here):


You know, I understand the effort to remove the Confederate flag from state capitols in the South and anywhere else in this country. There’s no doubt about it that it sends the wrong message. But at this point, I asked the question, is it overboard? And I don’t understand the attempt to erase American history as if it’s going to change our course as a nation. It’s not.

Strong words, but it gets even worse (or better, depending on your perspective):

The desecration of our nation’s history, I think, is dangerous and I think it’s unproductive. American history and our roots as a nation needs (sic) to be, number one, understood. It needs to be properly interpreted. It needs to be taught. And at a level, I think, it needs to be respected to be put in its proper context to the recognition of what has developed our great nation and how we have moved forward.

Now, we could debate the pros and cons of Schultz’s arguments, but that’s not the real issue here. As far as I’m concerned, there’s just one question that needs to be answered: why does Ed Schultz hate blacks?


Oh yes, that’s right, I did it: I turned the tables on our liberal friends.

Why does Ed Schultz despise African-Americans? Where does this hatred towards all blacks come from? Does he, perhaps, suffer from unconscious racism (as Justice Kennedy argued in the majority opinion about housing in Texas)? It certainly seems like it. Why else would he defend the Confederate flag?

On the next page is an older clip from Ed Schultz’s show in which he attacks Obama. Many people were surprised by this, but we now know the answer: he hates Obama because the president is black. Anyone care to debate that?


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