Obama Calls Ryan Budget a 'Stinkburger' or 'Meanwich'

President Obama had interesting words to describe House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) latest Path to Prosperity budget at the University of Michigan yesterday.


In remarks to students pitching a minimum wage hike to $10.10 per hour, Obama said he stopped at Zingerman’s, a deli in Ann Arbor “because the sandwiches are outstanding” and “Zingerman’s is a business that treats its workers well, and rewards honest work with honest wages.”

“The reuben is killer,” he said. “So I ordered like the small  — and it didn’t look that small. So I gave half to Valerie Jarrett, who’s traveling with us. And then after I finished the half, I wanted the half back. But it was too late. All she had left was the pickle. So I took the pickle.”

“What Zingerman’s can do on its own, what even I can do as the head of the executive branch of the federal government, that doesn’t reach everybody.  If we’re going to do right by our fellow Americans, we need Congress to get onboard,” he said before lobbying for the minimum wage bill. “…It wouldn’t require any new taxes. It doesn’t require new spending. It doesn’t require new bureaucracy. But what it would do is help those families and give businesses more customers with more money to spend. And it would help grow the economy for everybody. So you would think this would be a no-brainer.”

Obama first compared Ryan’s budget to the movie Groundhog Day: “If this all sounds familiar, it should be familiar because it was their economic plan in the 2012 campaign, it was their economic plan in 2010.”


“If they tried to sell this sandwich at Zingerman’s, they’d have to call it the Stinkburger, or the Meanwich,” he said.

The Budget Committee passed Ryan’s budget this week for the fourth year in a row, notwithstanding Democratic objections.

“This budget lays out a long-term vision for the country. It will grow the economy and create jobs. It will strengthen key priorities like national security and Medicare,” Ryan said. “It will restore fairness by rooting out cronyism. And it will stop spending money we don’t have.“It is absolutely critical that we tackle these challenges, and tonight, we took a step in the right direction.”


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