Poll: President Obama's Signature Achievement Is Really Quite Unpopular

Nancy Pelosi says that Democrats will “stand tall” and keep on supporting Obamacare, which is after all the settled “law of the land” until Obama unsettles it as he did last week.


Evidently she hasn’t read the latest Rasmussen poll:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 38% of Likely U.S. Voters now have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of the new national health care law. That’s down seven points from 45% a month ago. Fifty-eight percent (58%) view the law unfavorably, up five points from the previous survey and the highest finding in regular surveying since early January. These findings include 15% with a Very Favorable opinion of the law and 45% with a Very Unfavorable one, another high for the year. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Eleven percent (11%) of voters say they have been helped by the health care law, but nearly three times as many (30%) say they have been hurt by it.

Just wait until the employer mandate kicks in good and hard and millions more lose their insurance.

The latest Obamacare fun — remember when the Obama administration promised to have Healthcare.gov fixed by the end of November? They have already backtracked and now say it’ll only work for about 80% of users by the end of November. Expect them to talk that number down next week.

Pelosi will keep on doubling down on Obamacare right up to the minute she proudly votes to repeal it, while blaming its failure on Republicans.


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