Photo Caption Contest Winner: Why the Droopy Face Mr. President?

Thanks to all who played along for another successful Tatler Photo Caption Contest.

Helping with the difficult task of judging, we are once again honored with the presence of “Dr. Spin,” our in-house celebrity who was last seen in the company of glamorous movie stars and overweight Hollywood moguls. (You can not make this stuff up!)


Dr. Spin’s winning captions are:

They steamed my Rice! I hate steamed rice!  Submitted by Bigfoot

“What? My taxes are going up too?”  Submitted by info

However, our in-house non-celebrity judge selected all the runners-up and especially the first place runner-up, who really is the official grand prize winner. (But the contest CEO did not want to offend the great and all-knowing Dr. Spin.) So suck it up people!  Life is unfair in 2013 and you had better get used to it.

Therefore the winner who did not officially win is:

“But why? I want my face on the money NOW.”

Submitted by fortibus85.  (Winner of the second contest in a row!) Hey foribus85, you are starting to tick off several former winning veterans, so watch your back.)

Foribus85 also submitted this runner-up:

“I’m so seriously bummed. I haven’t heard ANY talk about getting another Nobel Peace Prize.”

Now for the rest of the best, beginning with our star-studded bench of veterans:

Two submitted by cfbleachers:

It’s a parade, Mr. President. Not a coronation. Sorry for the misunderstanding, try not to listen to your media.   

No, Mr. President. “Let the Jews pay for it” cannot replace E pluribus unum on our currency”

Three submitted by Chris Henderson:

 The Audacity of Frowning.

 The President’s smile is not shovel ready.

 It’s not a frown. It’s a Kinetic Grimace Action.

Two submitted by RockThisTown:

“What do you mean the media won’t fawn over me in my 2nd term?

“I’d have to see proof that you built that.”

Two submitted by Don Henderson:


Anyway, I gave Congress this look, and they let me have my way.

Something told me we should not have bought meat from China.

Here are some awesome runners-up who, if they keep submitting these high quality entries, will soon be sitting on our star-studded bench.

Two submitted by Adi:  (Winner of the runners-up non-prize.)

Our tickets were spent before they were printed and now we’ll have to buy them back from the Chinese.

I’m glad this photo won’t make it to the next cover of Newsweek.

Submitted by jvon:

Clearly he is upset that he’s inherited an even bigger mess than last time.

Submitted by Marc Malone:

“I need my teleprompter and my blankie.”

Submitted by Mr. G.:

Just found out Bill Ayers is writing the sequel to “Dreams From My Father.”  It’s called “Never Screw a Commie Terrorist Out of His Royalties.”

Two submitted by Pettifogger:

“What if my kids end up subject to Obamacare?”

“What if I can’t spend enough to impoverish EVERYONE?”

Submitted by g.c.:

Meh. It’s just the Constitution.

Great job everyone, and see you all next time a photo is worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest!




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