Well, in his defense, it’s easy to forget the suffering of others when you’re palling around with George Clooney and sending your family off on 17 lavish vacations in three years.
The soon-to-be-former president made his forgetful remark while campaigning in Seattle today. He parties with George Clooney in Hollywood tonight.
Just to jog the president’s memory, the labor participation rate has hit a 30-year low under his watch, as millions of Americans have simply given up looking for work.
Update: The Romney campaign responds:
“It’s not surprising that a president who forgot to create jobs, forgot to cut the debt, and forgot to change Washington has now admitted that he’s forgotten about the recession. In fact, it seems that the President has forgotten that he’s been in office for the last three-and-a-half years. In November, the American people won’t forget.” –Andrea Saul, Romney Campaign Spokesperson
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