Green Energy vs. Endangered Species vs. Native Americans

How ironic is it when a lefty-supported green energy project gets stalled by two other lefty favorite causes?

One of California’s showcase solar energy projects, under construction in the desert east of Los Angeles, is being threatened by a deadly outbreak of distemper among kit foxes and the discovery of a prehistoric human settlement on the work site.

The $1-billion Genesis Solar Energy Project has been expedited by state and federal regulatory agencies that are eager to demonstrate that the nation can build solar plants quickly to ease dependence on fossil fuels and curb global warming.

Instead, the project is providing a cautionary example of how the rush to harness solar power in the desert can go wrong — possibly costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and dealing an embarrassing blow to the Obama administration’s solar initiative.


Native Americans, including the leaders of a nearby reservation, are trying to have Genesis delayed or even scuttled because they say the distemper outbreak and discovery of a possible Native American cremation site show that accelerated procedures approved by state and federal regulators failed to protect wildlife and irreplaceable cultural resources.


Just to recap, this was not only green-lighted but expedited by both the Democratic President Barack Obama and the Democratic Governor of California Jerry Brown… and now it’s being brought to a screeching halt (and likely costing taxpayers more money) because they cut corners trying to get a showpiece solar project open… probably wanting for Obama to be able to point to this example of his “green energy” plans on the campaign trail.

Mind you, I don’t want the cute little kit foxes to be hurt, and I definitely think we should honor the Native American burial site, just as I think Obama should honor the religious objections of Catholics and other Christians to birth control.

What this shows is more incompetence on the part of the Obama and Brown administrations… as if we needed more evidence of Obama’s incompetence.


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