Jason Mattera Gets Another Day of Rent-Free Quarters in Joe Biden's Head

Nobody messes with Joe. Except Jason Mattera. And, well, reality.

Aides to an incensed Vice President Joe Biden complained to the wrong press gallery about their boss being asked an uncomfortable question by Human Events editor Jason Mattera.

Mattera asked Biden last week whether he regretted saying rape and murder rates will go up if Republicans in Congress prevent passage of President Obama’s $447 billion second stimuluis jobs bill.

That question elicited from Biden a threatening warning: “Don’t screw with me, guy.” You can watch the confrontation on video here.

Afterwards, Biden aides contacted the Senate Press Gallery, according to The Hill, to complain about Mattera’s conduct, claiming he misled the vice president by posing as a mere photo seeker. In fact, Mattera was wearing a clearly visible congressional periodical press gallery credential.

Despite the clearly visible credential, the Biden aides “complained to the wrong gallery. We’re credentialed through periodicals. I violated nothing,” Mattera told The Washington Examiner.

There are multiple official press galleries managed by members of the mainstream media and subject to approval by Congress. Daily newspaper reporters covering Congress typically are members of the Senate and House galleries, while journalists, like Mattera, who work for weekly publications like Human Events, are credentialled through the Periodical Press Gallery.

Since Biden was a long-time senator from Delaware prior to becoming vice president, it is surprising that his aides would not know the distinctions among the various press galleries on Capitol Hill.


Eh, it’s not all that surprising. Vice President Biden’s illustrious career includes plagiarizing speeches, advocating the partitioning of Iraq in a way that could only have benefited Iran, touting Obama for president because’s “clean and articulate,” and claiming to be an enthusiastic patron at a restaurant that doesn’t exist. If Biden was a Republican the media would have ripped him and his political career would have ended decades ago, long before he made Hide ya kids! Hide ya wife! the centerpiece of his economic platform.


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