Harvard wanted Barack Obama's Dad Deported

The Arizona Independent filed a FOIA request respecting the President’s father and reports this is among the information they found in the  immigration files:


1. ” The memo refers to Obama Sr.’s plans to attend the University of Hawaii for one more year to obtain his bachelor’s degree in economics, and that his spouse, a United States citizen, plans to work at the university.

“They have one child born Honolulu on 8/4/1961 – Barack Obama II, child living with mother (she lives with her parents & subject resides at 1482 Alencastre St.),” the memo states.”

2.” [T]he agency “recommend(s) that Subject be closely questioned before another extension is granted – and denial be considered. If his USC (United States Citizen) wife tries to petition for him make sure an investigation is conducted as to the bona-fide of the marriage.”

3.”Documents show that Obama, Sr. was denied an extension on his student visa in July, 1964, in part because Harvard University, where Obama, Sr., was a Ph.D. candidate, sought his removal. Obama Sr. eventually left the United States willingly after becoming an illegal alien for remaining in the country past the expiration of his visa.
An INS investigator, M.F. McKeon, wrote “They (Harvard officials) weren’t very impressed with him and asked us to hold up action on his application until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him. They were apparently having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.”
Documents show that Harvard officials considered Obama, Sr. to be a “slippery character,” and conspired with the INS to have him deported.”

UPDATE: Harvard responds to the story:


“While we cannot verify accounts of conversations that occurred nearly 50 years ago, a review of our existing files did not find any support for either the language or the implied intent described by the U.S. government official in the government documents,” Neal said.

Neal said that university documents predating the INS file, which was compiled between 1961 and 1965, indicate “the University’s Center for International Affairs faced serious constraints in providing financial support for research by international graduate students in Cambridge, and that these students were required to secure and demonstrate independent and sufficient sources of funding in order to remain on campus.”

Documents show Obama, Sr. was denied an extension of his student visa in July, 1964 and subsequently returned to Kenya. In 1965, Obama, Sr. attempted to return to the United States.

The INS file includes a letter from Harvard Registrar Robert Shenton written to Obama, Sr., on Nov. 16, 1965, that says the elder Obama had not registered his thesis title with the Department of Economics and therefore the university did not authorize his I-20, a document issued by a college for a student so that the student may obtain a student visa, for his return to the country.

“Under the circumstances, I could not consider issuing an I-20 to you until the following steps have been completed and the Economics Department approves your return,” Shenton wrote.

The steps required of Obama, Sr., included informing the Economics Department of the thesis title; informing the department of the status of his thesis; and sending the department any completed pages of the document. Neal said the university would confirm that Obama, Sr. was a student at Harvard from 1962-1964, and earned a Master’s degree in Economics.”


The White House has not responded to inquiries by the paper.


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