Jindal administration sued over welfare agency voter registration

The NAACP has sued the state of Louisiana under Section 7 of Motor Voter, alleging not enough welfare recipients are being offered voter registration materials.  I had previously broken the story at the Washington Examiner that the Department of Justice was conducting a similar investigation of the Jindal Administration.  At the time, Bobby Jindal’s spokesmen said they were confident they were complying with the law. The NAACP lawsuit obviously will present facts to the contrary. 


The question is whether the Jindal administration will aggressively fight back, or roll over.  There are ways to win these cases outright.  The fact that the Department of Justice and the NAACP are both investigating the same issue in the same place betrays either a measure of coordination, communication or, less likely, simple happenstance.  Welfare recipient voter registration is a top priority of the political leadership in the Civil Rights Division.  Ensuring dead and ineligible voters are removed from the voter rolls is not a priority.  If the NAACP case is based entirely on registration statistics, and not actual interviews, that’s where the DOJ investigation will be useful to the plaintiff, because DOJ trolled outside welfare agencies interviewing recipients as part of their investigation.  In other words, the taxpayers supported the tough and expensive part of the NAACP case.


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