Poliwood: Frosting Frost/Nixon

In the midst of my Great Jury Adventure, the redoubtable Lionel Chetwynd and I went into the PJTV studios in El Segundo at night to record two Poliwoods back-to-back: one on Frost/Nixon, the other on Milk.  Our intention is not to be reviewers a la Roger Ebert.  We’re both uncomfortable sitting in chairs we once reviled (most writers and directors despise reviwers, for obvious reasons; they are class enemies).  But still we walk a line, trying to find more “significance” in what we do than a mere thumbs up, thumbs down.  And yet…. there will always be an element of that viewing a movie (or a play or reading a book or whatever).  And the honest artist/artisan must admit he loves to get good reviews (except for Woody Allen who claims not to read them). This is a long way around to say that – whatever our feelings about SeanPenn –  we both vastly preferred Milk to Frost/Nixon. Our doubts about Frost/Nixon and some feelings about Richard Nixon in general and , of course, other matters are here (free) in the latest Poliwood.  All earlier Poliwoods are here. As usual we welcome your suggestion for future shows.  No, we are not planning an all-Antonioni hour. (Milk coming up in a week)



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