How Christian Homeschoolers Teach Evolution and/or Creationism to their Children


Anyone who questions the great religion of Darwinism, specifically that all living things come from one common ancestor and more specifically, that people evolved from apes, is violently and quickly attacked, silenced, and treated like they’re a heretic. For years scientists have been fired, blacklisted, and thrown out of the community in which they worked for questioning the unquestionable: evolution.


I have personally been threatened by people who say they want to call the state and report me for child abuse because I made a video questioning the validity of some of the evolutionists’ claims at the Field Museum in Chicago. These threats are not to be taken lightly, considering that children have been taken from their parents over idiotic circumstances like a homeschooling father who takes a natural supplement that the FDA doesn’t approve of (like every natural health supplement on the market. But don’t worry, it’s not like the FDA said Vioxx was perfectly fine before it killed 60,000 people. Oh wait…).

So it is with great fear and trepidation that any homeschooling parent steps out on a limb to discuss any of their teaching methods, for fear of government kidnappings. In fact, I could not get any homeschooling family to talk to me on the record about this topic. I had to promise to hide their identities using pseudonyms and even then, I met with hesitation! It’s hard to believe that in this once great nation, the land of the free, that Christian parents are afraid to share their perfectly legal teaching methods for fear of government persecution.

Here’s how Chuck Jones,* a homeschooling father of seven, described his family’s teaching methods on the topic:

“We have three children who have gone through life sciences and have learned about Darwinism. We use a variety of textbooks and videos including showing them the documentary No Intelligence Allowed and other sources that are pro-evolution that disagree with one another. After they’ve heard the basics they are allowed to choose to dig further in where they are interested. Most of that is self-directed. There are no limits on them to what they can read or what conclusion they come to. What’s most important to us is that they know how to research, write a paper, argue a point and think critically. The origins of life and the universe are wonders that stretch the brain. It’s a wonderful topic for our children to explore fully and I hope they keep learning for the rest of their lives as evidence changes. Some of the best discussions we had around our kitchen table revolved around the controversy surrounding the ‘science is settled’ claims that some make about a variety of issues. That led to a discussion on politics and special interest groups and my son even wrote an extra paper on the politics of science after that talk. I feel my children are well-equiped to function in a world steeped in controversy because they know how to form an opinion on their own. All we did was teach them how to think, not what to think. They do that on their own.”


Jones’ oldest child is now in college and doing very well in spite of her exposure to Intelligent Design theory. Most of my critics over the evolution fiasco claimed that my children would never be fit for college if they were not taught that Darwin’s theories are absolute fact — a ridiculous claim, by any stretch of the imagination. This overly concerned attitude about my children’s education is puzzling for a group of people who would yawn if I had chosen to have them torn into pieces and sold for parts before they were born. (A few suggested I should have had 3 abortions rather than tell them that Darwinism is problematic.) Meanwhile, 79% of Chicago’s public schooled 8th graders can’t read.

For the record, out of all the homeschooling families I spoke to, not one of them said they refused to teach evolution. 100% of them teach evolution. They also teach apologetics, and Intelligent Design theory, and anything else on the subject their children are interested in. One homeschooled student I know, Sam,* is in middle school and is heavily involved in a national speech and debate organization. He dedicated an entire year to studying evolution and the holes and flaws in the theory and put together a worthy defense of creationism, which he presented in a debate. He won. (It is noteworthy that our Founders believed in a Creator so fervently that they named Him in our founding documents. It’s not an indictment of your intelligence if you believe a Creator formed this earth when you sit in the company of men such as George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. No one doubts their education or intelligence.)


Homeschoolers as a group are very dedicated to a well-rounded education. They are committed to researching all sides of an issue. They leave no stone unturned and have the ability to do that because they are not under the time constraints of institutionalized calendars. If homeschoolers have questions, they are allowed and encouraged to follow those questions down as many rabbit trails as they can find until they come to a conclusion. They are not spoon fed answers. They are not told “the science is settled,” but instead, are encouraged to question everything. This creates free thinkers, not mind-numbed robots who, ten years after graduating, can’t answer Jay Leno’s “Who is the Vice President of the United States” interview gag.

*Names have been changed to protect innocent homeschoolers from wackos.


There is a serious problem in public schools when the subject of evolution is discussed (if it even is, because let’s face it, they’re really more focused on anti-bullying and LGBTQ acceptance than science these days). I went to public high school and the subject of evolution never came up. I somehow managed to go to college anyway.

Science teachers who do teach evolution are not allowed to even discuss the problems with it! A perfect example is the case of Ohio teacher John Freshwater, who was fired for asking his students to think critically about evolution and to dig into the holes. This man did not teach creationism to his class, he simply wanted them to know that there are thousands of scientists who have found problems with Darwinism. He presented them with information on what those scientists have discovered regarding DNA and molecular biology. He was fired for this. The school’s attorneys twisted the case to be about “insubordination” by claiming he refused to remove religious books from his classroom (that he had checked out from the school’s own library!?) and that he refused to remove his Bible from his desk (he was not teaching from it, it was just sitting there, upsetting unhinged people). The Supreme Court in Ohio actually agreed with the school. Intellectual freedom is not something that is valued anymore in public schools, in the scientific community, or in this nation.


This is why homeschoolers take a different approach and, unlike the atheist accusers claim, Christian homeschoolers are not withholding information from their children. It is the public schools that are doing that (and even firing teachers who try to bring more information into the classroom.) Homeschoolers, on the other hand, are committed to presenting evolution along with all available information on famous evolution hoaxes, holes, and problems in the theory. Their children are then encouraged to read everything they can get their hands on (including books written by atheist Richard Dawkins! Gasp!) so they can know the subject inside and out.

How could anyone object to this? But they do! The reasoning I have heard over and over again is, evolution is a fact and the science is settled and you are stupid if you question it. If students hear there are questions or other theories they will be confused and not able to think critically about science. This is hogwash. It is condescending to adolescent human beings who have a right to hear at least the basics of all sides of an argument even if just in passing!

Hilariously, the American Library Association thinks minors have a right to “all the information” when it involves hard-core violent pornography, either online or in books, but these same people do not stock books in libraries about Intelligent Design or creationism because those are the really dangerous topics. You can go search your library right now and I guarantee you will find massive amounts of books on Darwinism, evolution, and atheism and very few on Intelligent Design or creationism (if any at all). Others have done this and found similar results. There is a concerted effort by people in charge of public institutions to keep information away from the public they deem inappropriate or “pseudo-science” (their favorite word). This is, of course, censorship. It is the very same thing they accuse homeschoolers of doing when the truth is the opposite.


Homeschooling is the last hope for an intellectually free education where no questions are forbidden, no topic is off limits, and conclusions are the student’s to make. When asked how he views kids in public school who aren’t allowed to read certain “forbidden” books on evolution, Sam said,

“I feel they are being robbed of an important life lesson. There is always more than one point of view and they are not allowed to see any but the Darwinist’s world view. My strength is in research and debate and I developed it by reading opposing arguments and studying the other side. It is so important to have that ability in life for any critical thought process. How will they learn to really dig into an issue if they are only presented one side? I am grateful to my parents for offering me the world and all the information.”

He’s 12, folks.

We should all be concerned that a growing number of people believe parents should be punished for giving their children “unapproved” books to read about forbidden topics. Isn’t that what the American Library Association says it’s fighting with their “Banned Books” week? None of their “banned books” lists include books written by Intelligent Design advocate Stephen C. Meyer, even though his books aren’t allowed in any classroom in America! By their own standard, that is “banning.”

Beware the sound of one hand clapping, said some wise person once. Probably a homeschooler.


Images via Shutterstock


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