Ed and Nina’s Excellent Adventure…or GATT (Gone—Almost—to Texas)


Hello everyone. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say hey all y’all yet, but as some of you may know, Ed and I are moving to Texas in 2016, and I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say all y’all if we’re just property owners or if we have to have moved.


Oh and I didn’t introduce myself, I’m Nina Yablok, aka Mrs. Ed Driscoll.

I’ve wanted to blog about moving to Texas but I’m miserable about blogging consistently. In fact I started to blog last year when we were buying the house, but then … did I mention the terrible about blogging consistently thing?

But now we have an approximate move date and we’re starting to do things, so I thought that by blogging here at Ed’s blog he could sort of egg me on. And if nothing else I would hate to embarrass him by wimping out again.

I am VP in charge of logistics and planning Chez Driscoll-Yablok. While I may not be as bad as the Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper — I’ve never created a bowel movement spreadsheet — I am rather fond of my spreadsheets and Gantt charts. So obviously I started one… OK three… as soon as we made the decision that we would in fact move in spring of 2016.  I thought I was a bit premature, but since we’ve started talking to some of the professionals we’ll be using, it seems I’m not too early at all.

So here are the details. You should probably book mark this (or make a spreadsheet) so you can always refer back to it as I regale you with our trials and tribulations.

The spread, aka the Fairlight Ranch aka Rancho Casa de Ed and Nina House, 16 acres of prime prairie land at an secret location (we’re big on secret locations) somewhere a bit less than 60 miles (as the vulture flies) southwest of DFW.  It has five fruit trees (that actually bear fruit); four big old oak trees; some flowering dogwoods.  The structures other than the house are an adorable well house (I’m from NYC, well houses can be adorable), a 30×30 metal shed, a barn with a small corral (and a tractor — which is also adorable).


The house itself was lovingly crafted in a secured, climate controlled environment to ensure it was built to careful specifications out of the way of wind, rain and creepy crawlies. In other words, it’s a prefab factory-built home. But it’s laid out almost perfectly for us, has 3000 square feet of big kitchen, big living room, big closets, big master bath and three bedrooms. And it’s nice inside, we just need to get it not to look so much like it was was lovingly crafted in a secured, climate controlled environment to ensure it was built to careful specifications out of the way of wind, rain and creepy crawlies.

But the one thing it didn’t have is a music studio.  Ed has always wanted a music studio where he can play and create his music without disturbing me or any neighbors. So we’re building a combined music studio and guest house a little bit away from the main house. We’re also going to do a little something to the outside so it doesn’t look so much like it was lovingly crafted in a secured, climate controlled environment to ensure it was built to careful specifications out of the way of wind, rain and creepy crawlies.

Which brought us to start talking to architects and audio designers, three of whom we will meet when we visit Fairlight Ranch in late July.  Which brought us to finding out that 10-11 months out is NOT too early to be making plans.


If anyone wants, you can look at our Pinterest page of ideas which we probably for one reason or another (can you say “budget” boys and girls?) wont implement. But it might be amusing to see how things turn out.

I hope all y’all will join us on this journey.

(Artwork created using a modified Shutterstock.com image.)


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