Digital Fingerprints: Obama's Masked Assault on Internet Freedom

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

In the annals of power-hungry former presidents, Barack Obama is carving out quite the niche for himself. His latest scheme? The creation of “digital fingerprints” that allegedly aim to verify the authenticity of the news and information we consume. Propped up by the guise of ensuring the veracity of media, this new plan is nothing more than another attempt to strengthen the already overgrown leviathan that is government control.


The hypocrisy is thick. Obama, a self-professed “champion” of democracy and individual liberty, now proposes that we trade in our freedom for a dubious sense of security. Yet the irony seems to be lost on him. His proposal mirrors those of his European socialist counterparts, like the ruling political party D66 (ironically called Democrats 66) in the Netherlands, which has repeatedly suggested the creation of a digital ID for internet access. This international echo chamber only amplifies the true nature of this idea: not a tool against “fake news” and “trolling” as purported, but a cleverly disguised mechanism to dictate the truth according to the authorities and to increase governmental power.

Firstly, the concept of these ‘digital fingerprints’ or digital IDs is inherently contradictory to the principles of liberty and free speech. It is an attempt to define and delineate the truth, infringing upon our basic right to diverse information and perspective. Should the government be the ultimate arbiter of truth? Absolutely not. This is an insidious move towards state-sponsored censorship. Certain views or facts, such as vaccine efficacy debates, may soon be erased from the public discourse under the label of being ‘unverified’ or ‘false.’


Secondly, the overarching purpose of this plan for digital fingerprints is to further expand governmental power. It puts in place yet another tool for surveillance, tracing our digital footsteps across the internet landscape. Beyond the question of what is real or not, it provides a means for the government to monitor our behavior, our interests, and our dissent. Is this the price we must pay for using the internet? Is our privacy just another casualty in their ill-conceived war on “fake news”?

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Anyone who values liberty must vehemently resist such intrusive initiatives. Digital fingerprints and alike are nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a power-grabbing plan cloaked in the convenient narrative of fighting disinformation. The advancement of technology should never come at the expense of our personal freedoms. As the wise Thomas Jefferson once said, “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”


In the end, it is incumbent on us as individuals to discern fact from fiction, to be critical consumers of news and information. It is not the place of government to dictate our intellectual consumption. The Orwellian future Obama and his socialist comrades envision is one we must reject. Today, it might be a ‘digital fingerprint.’ Tomorrow, it could be a ‘digital leash.’

As ever, the battle for liberty continues. And this new front, the digital realm, is no exception.


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