WATCH: A Dazed and Confused Biden Lands in Italy, and It’s Scary

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden is in Italy for the G7 summit, and a big piece of the agenda is, of course, finding new and exciting ways to send even more aid to Ukraine because why not, right?


Well, I think Ol' Joe will need a regular dose of whatever drug he was given for his State of the Union address because based on his arrival, it's going to be a long trip for his handlers.

As has become standard operating procedure for Biden, he deplaned Air Force One on the short stairs, but what was particularly noteworthy about his arrival was how dazed and confused he appeared as he shuffled down the stairs.

Yeah, that's awkward. Between the slow shuffle and the blank stare, it doesn't seem like he knew where he was.

And it gets worse.

It's like he's a walking corpse who needs to be directed where to go.

This doesn't exactly inspire a lot of confidence, does it? Imagine what it must be like to be the other world leaders in attendance, watching Biden decay before their very eyes as they look for new ways to send more cash to Ukraine.


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"Biden will participate in a three-day meeting in Apulia, Italy, of the Group of Seven, or G7, the organization formed by the world's largest industrialized nations, where a major topic will be tapping $300 billion worth of frozen Russian assets to strengthen Ukraine on the battlefield, according to the White House," reports NBC News. "John Kirby, the spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said the week’s meetings will also include announcing 'an impactful set of new sanctions and export control actions' against Russia."

“These actions will follow through on several of the commitments that G7 leaders have made to date," Kirby said. "The actions will target the entities and networks that are helping Russia procure what it needs for its war.”

Biden and his counterparts largely agree about the merits of seizing Russian assets to help underwrite Ukraine’s effort, though there is friction about how best to go about it, a person familiar with U.S. planning for the summit said.

The Biden administration had wanted to use both principal and interest from Russia’s assets to help pay for the war, while European nations had favored using only the interest, the person said. With Ukraine urgently needing more arms, the Biden administration is prepared to compromise and embrace the path European leaders prefer, the source added.


Given Biden's concerning lack of presence and mental awareness, we can at least take some solace in the fact that Biden won't be embarrassing us on the world stage for very long. According to a report from the Daily Mail, "Biden's stay in Italy will be brief. He arrives around midnight local time on Wednesday and departs on Friday evening where he'll head straight to Los Angeles for a campaign fundraiser with George Clooney, Jimmy Kimmel and Julia Roberts."



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