
One Candidate Shines on the Issues That Matter Most to Voters

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In 2020, we were treated to endless rhetoric about how electing Joe Biden would end the chaos and put the adults back in charge. We were told that Biden—who was pitched as a centrist who would be a president for everyone—would be able to take his decades of experience and deliver incredible results for the American people.

It really would have been something had he done that. But, instead, the American public isn’t seeing the stability or prosperity that we were promised in 2020. It remains an open question when Joe Biden is actually running the show, but for sure, the adults aren’t in charge at all. 

Biden was supposed to be different. When Obama ran for president, he named Biden as his running mate to be the proverbial adult in the room and balance the ticket because Obama was so inexperienced when he sought the most powerful position in the country.

Frankly, I’m reminded of a similar promise of Barack Obama’s presidency that went to waste. Instead of using his election to unite our country, he divided it, abusing his power to unconstitutionally implement his radical agenda, inflaming racial tensions, and obliterating women’s rights on behalf of the transgender movement—just to name a couple of examples.

I suspect few actually believed Biden would unite this country either. And Biden proved us all right rather quickly, immediately seeking to reverse anything and everything Trump did, regardless of merit. 

Now, more than three years into the Biden administration, the polls are making it clear that Americans are nostalgic for the Trump years, when gas prices were lower, inflation was under control, the border was secure, and even health care prices were better. 

Related: Ouch! This Candidate Is the Democrats' Best Shot to Beat Trump

It should come as no surprise that, when asked about which candidate they trust to do a better job on various issues, Americans trust Trump on the most important issues of this election.

The latest ABC/Ipsos poll found Trump has a 12-point edge on the economy, a 13-point edge on crime, a 10-point edge on inflation, an 18-point edge on immigration and the border crisis, and an 8-point edge on the Israel-Hamas war,. Americans even give Trump a 1-point edge on gun violence—an issue Biden has sought to exploit with every high-profile shooting. The only issues that Biden had an advantage on were traditionally strong issues for Democrats: abortion, climate change, and health care. Heck, Americans even gave Trump a 3-point edge on the Ukraine-Russia war, and Biden's edge on abortion is in the single digits.

Remember, Joe Biden was the guy whose experience was (and still is) supposed to be an asset, yet Americans don't trust him on the issues that affect them the most. Why should they? He's given them no reason to. He's spent the past three years telling them that the economy is in great shape, that there is no crisis at the border, and that Putin doesn't want to go toe-to-toe with him... etc., etc., and it was all lies. All of it.

Biden leaned on his "experience" to get elected, and in the end, it was America that got knocked over instead. That's why Americans trust Trump more on the issues—he actually delivered the results they wanted.


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