California Teachers' Union Threatens Strike for Free Yoga and Homeless Camps

(AP Photo/John Locher)

At this point, California is just trolling us. Granted, the Golden State has been a testing ground and center for research and development for all things progressive. I get it. California is dedicated to rushing headlong into the future, seeking the farthest reaches of the Leftist frontier, and it is doing so to such a degree that it is a wonder the state has not completely fallen off a cliff. But I think that at this point, people there are just randomly selecting causes out of “The Big Bag of Progressive Ideas.”


The Fresno Teacher Association has issued some demands, which, if not met, could result in a strike. For example, the association wants to allow homeless people to park in high school parking lots. The union members also want free yoga. My colleague, Matt Margolis, thought it was something ripped from the Babylon Bee, and I don’t blame him. Nope, this is reality. And if I had a week to think up a bizarre topic, I would never have come up with this.

The Washington Free Beacon notes that the union has issued its new contract proposal, which calls for opening high school parking lots for homeless families to park. It even admits that the move would come with a cost of $500,000 for security. It also wants free laundry services for families in the district, access to mental health services 24 hours a day, and free weekend yoga and meditation classes during the weekends.

According to a piece in The Daily Caller, the yoga/meditation sessions for union members would run $1 million. Included in that demand is a $ 1,000-per-year spiff for union members who consistently attend a dojo or yoga studio for a minimum of 100 days. While the costs of the laundry and mental health services have not been disclosed, the ersatz campground and yoga allowances will make for a heavy price tag. That tab will be handed to the taxpayers. Residents of Fresno will be the ones to foot the bill for union members to enjoy a session of hot yoga before a mimosa brunch on a Sunday afternoon.


In his article in the Free Beacon, Alec Schemmel observes, “The union’s effort to turn its parking lots into homeless safe havens reflects a broader push from teachers’ unions across the country to use their bargaining power to actualize left-wing priorities.” And he has a point.

While there is no guarantee that conservatives will ever get control of the country again, let alone the state, there is definitely been a push from the Left to get as many progressive agenda items passed as quickly as possible. And apparently, the more outlandish they are, the better.

The scope of the demands is surprising to more sober minds, but the overall move should not be. The fact that the union has a list of demands and naturally assumes that the money will come from somewhere, perhaps more taxes on “the rich” is part and parcel of the mindset.

One could hazard a guess that the number of people left in California, rich or otherwise, who would welcome another tax has dwindled significantly over the years. But then, this group of educators is made up of people who were brought up with a focus on “the feels” and an abundance of participation awards. Is it any wonder that they believe that their demands will be met?



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