How 'Sex Positive Feminism' Created An Unsafe World for Women

Recently, a woman was kicked out of Planet Fitness for complaining about a “transwoman” in the locker room. For those still unaware of all the terms, transwoman is a man who feels like a woman today and so he gets all the perks of being a woman including the use of a ladies locker room and the right claim he has PMS. We are not talking about a transgendered person who went through surgery and had male parts removed but a man, born with male privilege and a penis in a dress wandering around in the room earmarked for people with vaginas. The woman who complained and tried to warn other women, who are historically at risk from men with penises, had her gym membership unceremoniously revoked. Her crime was her unreasonable assumption that the rights of women to feel safe are more important than a man’s right to feel pretty, or something.


This preferential treatment of bizarre men is happening in libraries too. At the Orland Park Public Library in Illinois, strange men who like to become sexually aroused in a building full of children are protected by female librarians and the big and powerful lobbying group, The American Library Association, under the guise of “intellectual freedom” as they masturbate in front of public computers while watching porn. Deviant men are given more rights in public libraries than women patrons and even the women working there. Two female employees complained to the female director about sexual harassment and were told they could leave if they would not look the other way.

There is a War on Women and it is coming from an unlikely source: Other women. For years the feminists have been hawking “sex positive” causes, which are generally horrific episodes of bad judgment dressed up like education.  One involved a dildo on a reciprocating saw used on a woman (by a man) in front of a human sexuality class at Northwestern University. For real. Campuses nationwide are awash in “sex-positive” education, none of which appears to take the safety of women very seriously as they loudly proclaim anal sex is something all women should want to do like porn stars (while taught by actual porn stars… nevermind anal tearing and fissures folks. Don’t be such a prude!)


The unintended consequence of “educating” society that all forms of sexual expression should be celebrated and encouraged is finding out that women now have to endure the most bizarre sexual fetishes of men in the public library or gym locker room. Any complaints about safety will not be taken seriously. After all, you asked for it with your Slut Walks and Sex Weeks and Vagina Monologues. Nothing is off limits and now men are empowered to act out their basest desires in front of women, around women and in formerly safe spaces for women whether women like it or not (because you know you like it, you prude! Cosmo and Feministing says you do.)

So, dear Sister, don’t even think about whining when some potential rapist with a penis is staring you down as you exit the shower at the gym or some weirdo is accessing child porn in the library while you’re there with your kids. No one will care and no one will stop it. You’re on your own, baby. Because feminism.

Feminism has begun eating itself. Founded on the principle that women should have an equal voice in politics and in the workplace, it has degenerated to putting women right back where they started, under men for the pleasure of men. And these days, thanks to pro-porn feminism, the men are wielding sex toys hooked up to power tools. I can’t think of a stronger image of male dominance over women and, incredibly it was brought to us by “sex-positive feminists” who claim to want to destroy the patriarchy.


Sex-positive feminism brought us the acceptance and embracing of the “C” word so it’s not surprising that any woman on Twitter is called the “C” word in vile ways by young males for expressing her opinion on, well, anything including basketball. It’s hard to combat the charges of women being nothing but dirty whores when for the last decade or so the loudest feminists have been lauding whoring.

Going forward, a new wave of feminism is desperately needed. Where are the women who have noticed the “sex positive” crowd is bringing more devastation to the lives of women than help? (Feminist writer Jean Hatchet seems to be getting it penning, “Free the men. They are oppressed by bras.”) Human trafficking is at an all time high, men are accosting women in public places that should be safe for women, men are openly harassing women online and men are using extreme violence against women in porn. These are real and pressing issues. Ladies, it’s time to put down your vibrators and look around. You’re causing damage.


image illustration via shutterstock / 


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